Year 7
(Students are in Food Technology for 19/20 weeks with 3 lessons per fortnight, 28-30 Lessons in Total)
Baseline (1 week)
The baseline test gauges student knowledge of food from what they learnt at Primary School. The test also covers topics students will learn about during their full rotation in the subject.
Practical lessons – 17-18 weeks
In practical lessons the students are introduced to the kitchen and how to work safely with equipment. They are taught a variety of different cooking methods, skills and techniques using different types of dishes, both savoury and sweet. Students are encouraged to adapt recipes to different dietary needs. This is fundamental knowledge that will prepare students for the rest of the key stage and useful life skills.
Practical Assessment – 3 weeks
Interspersed throughout the rotation students complete three practical assessments. These are identified in their recipe books. This allows students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained from previous lessons and to apply the dishes.
Theory lessons – 8-9 weeks
In theory students gain knowledge on hygiene and safety and how to apply this. They study different cooking methods, equipment, weighing and measuring, how heat is transferred and role of raising agents in different dishes. The Eatwell guide is studied, and students are taught how this is applied to dishes which allow students the ability to make informed decisions on how to adapt dishes for different needs.
End of Rotation Test (1 week)
To assess learning and test knowledge gained from practical and theory tasks. By this point students should be able to identify correct equipment and methods, uses and applications of a range of foods and demonstrate an understanding of kitchen Health & Safety.
Year 8
Students are in Food for 19/20 weeks with 3 lessons per fortnight 28-30 Lessons in Total)
Baseline (1 Week)
The baseline test gauges student knowledge of Food from what they learnt in Year 7. For some students there is a 6/7-month gap since they were last in Food, therefore it’s imperative to understand what knowledge students have retained from the previous year. The test also covers topics students will learn about during their full rotation in the subject.
Practical lessons – 17-18 weeks
In practical lessons the students are re-introduced to the kitchen and how to work safely with equipment. They are taught a variety of different cooking methods, skills and techniques using different types of dishes, both savoury and sweet. Students are encouraged to adapt recipes to different dietary needs. This is fundamental knowledge that will prepare students for the rest of the key stage and useful life skills.
Practical Assessment – 3 weeks
Interspersed throughout the rotation students complete three practical assessments. These are identified in their recipe books. This allows students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained from previous lessons and apply mastery to the dishes.
Theory lessons – 8-9 weeks
In theory there is a reminder and refresher to health and safety and how to apply this in practical lessons. Students build on prior knowledge from year 7 and study different commodities including, meat, fish and eggs, milk and dairy products, cereals, fruit, and vegetables. Allergies and intolerances are studied. The Eatwell guide is revised, and nutrition is studied which allow students the ability to make informed decisions on how to adapt dishes for different needs.
End of Rotation Test (1 week)
To assess learning and test knowledge gained from practical and theory tasks. By this point students should be able to identify different commodities and what nutrients are available from foods.
Year 9
Students are in Food for 19/20 weeks with 3 lessons per fortnight 28-30 Lessons in Total)
Baseline (1 Week)
The baseline test gauges student knowledge of Food from what they learnt in Year 7 & 8. For some students there is a 6/7-month gap since they were last in Food, therefore it’s imperative to understand what knowledge students have retained from the previous years. The test also covers topics students will learn about during their full rotation in the subject.
Practical lessons – 17-18 weeks
In practical lessons the students are re-introduced to the kitchen and revise how to work safely in a kitchen environment. They build on the cooking skills gained in year 7 & 8 of different cooking methods, skills and techniques using different types of dishes, both savoury and sweet. Students are encouraged to adapt recipes to different dietary needs. They have more freedom for outcomes to be different as they now have foundation levels of skill, knowledge and understanding to draw upon. Students can show a mastery of skills and techniques built up over three years of study.
Practical Assessment – 3 weeks
Interspersed throughout the rotation students complete three practical assessments. These are identified in their recipe books. This allows students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained from previous lessons and apply mastery to the dishes.
Theory lessons – 8-9 weeks
In theory there is a reminder and refresher to health and safety and how to apply this in both a domestic and industrial setting. Students build on prior knowledge from year 7 & 8 and study food provenance, where food comes from, if it is caught, grown or reared. They look at different farming methods and the impact consumers can have on the environment. They study the factors effecting food choice, food poverty and food security. They look at how they can reduce food waste and become better consumers.
End of Rotation Test (1 week)
To assess learning and test knowledge gained from practical and theory tasks. By this point students should be able to identify how food is produced and how to reduce their carbon footprint, reduce waste and become better consumers.
Homework: Set weekly for ingredients