PE lessons, 17-25/06/2021


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the boys had been using the sports hall as a changing room. However, because of the Year 10 Exams taking place this is not available from Thursday 17th June until Friday 25th June. Therefore, boys are expected to come into school in their PE kit along with suitable footwear, such as trainers, for the days when they have their PE lessons. Their football boots should be packed in their bag. PE kit MUST be in line with school PE kit regulations.

As we are unable to use the changing rooms, students are expected to leave their bags in the school gym. This will be the same system that we used prior to Christmas when the Year 11 students were taking their mock exams in the sports hall. Unfortunately, if the weather is extremely wet, lessons may have to be adapted with groups going in classrooms for part of the lesson. This will prevent students being in wet clothes for the remainder of the day.



Girls will continue using the changing facilities during this time and will be required to arrive in their normal school uniform.

Mr J Hampton, Head of Physical Education and Sport