Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)
All Key Stage 3 students follow a broad and balanced curriculum designed to develop essential skills that they will need to become confident, enquiring learners. All students study English; Mathematics; Science; French; History; Geography; Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE); Physical Education (PE), Art and Computing. Additionally, we provide a broad performing arts offer for all students that includes: Drama, Dance and Music, as well as lessons in Food and Design Technology. The timetabled curriculum is also complemented by an outstanding range of activities to promote social, moral, spiritual and cultural education (SMSC). This includes of ‘Life’ programme, which incorporates SMSC as well as highly important issues such as British Values and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
In Years 8 and 9 a majority of our students will study a second language (either Spanish or German). In addition, students on our Scholars Programme have the opportunity to study Latin.
As a comprehensive school we support all our students’ individual learning abilities. We seek to ensure that the lessons and curriculum stretch and challenge all our students, and enable them to be ambitious and curious learners. We also recognise that some students may require additional guidance and offer focused intervention and support for these individuals.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)
Students choose options in Year 9 which commence at the start of Year 10. Our curriculum offer is robust and challenging and courses are carefully selected. This is reviewed annually to ensure that this provides students with the best options available to make them ‘future-ready’ and excel as learners.
All Keys Stage 4 students study English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science Trilogy, core PE and the ‘Life’ Programme. Beyond the core element of the curriculum, a wide range of option subjects are available. From September 2016, reformed GCSE courses will be introduced in many subjects, phasing in other subject areas in 2017.
After careful consideration we have taken the decision not to insist that all students undertake a compulsory English Baccalaureate; however, through our rigorous choices process a majority of our students do take at least one English Baccalaureate subject, to ensure they have a sufficiently rigorous suite of qualifications
To continue the inclusive nature of our curriculum, top sets in Year 11 Mathematics also take GCSE Further Mathematics. This additional qualification is an excellent grounding for A Level Mathematics. Selected SEND students will take a ‘Study Plus’ option where the curriculum will be tailored to their individual needs to receive additional support in literacy, numeracy and support for the wider curriculum.
Useful Downloads
Year 9 Options Booklet