Please click here to read a letter from Mr Williams about next week’s strike action.
Author: Helena Headon

LHS Parent Bulletin 10/02/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Chinese Dragon Dance Workshop
Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Richards, Head of Performing Arts, regarding upcoming Chinese Dragon Dance workshops being held for our Year 7 students.
September 2022 – return to school
Please click here to read a letter from Mr Williams that includes important information for our return to school next week.
Many thanks
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition
Please click here to read a letter regarding your child’s upcoming practice Duke of Edinburgh expedition in April 2022.
Please remember it is parents responsibility to drop your children off at the appropriate location and time. Please click here for location details.
Many thanks
Revision Sessions – reminders
Dear parent/carer
Just a few more things to make you aware of in readiness for revision sessions over the Easter break:
- Drop in sessions are open to anyone and students can stay for as short or long a time as they wish.
- Students are not required to wear school uniform.
- Access to the building will be through main reception only – please ensure you sign in and out.
- The canteen will not be open so students should bring a snack if they would like one, please do not bring anything messy. Water and orange squash will be available.
- Fashion & Textiles sessions have been added to the original list.
- We have also opened up some additional invites to the Science and Maths sessions; relevant students are aware and have received invites.
In addition to the above, online sessions will be available for the following subjects:
- Computing
- Geography
- History
These online sessions will have links posted on Show My Homework for students to access at the specified times (click here to see the timetable).
Tassomai are running their own online sessions over the Easter break for Science, English and Maths featuring areas that students struggle with most. You can access them for free here, but will need to sign up in advance.
Silver Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition
Please click here to read a letter regarding your child’s upcoming practice Duke of Edinburgh expedition in April 2022.
Please remember it is parents responsibility to drop your children off at the appropriate location and time. Please click here for location details.
Many thanks
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition
Please click here to read a letter regarding your child’s upcoming practice Duke of Edinburgh expedition in April 2022.
Please remember it is parents responsibility to drop off and pick up your children at the appropriate location and time. Please click here for location details. Please note, there are three different locations depending on which group your child is in; A, B or C. Groups will be confirmed in the first week back after Easter.
Many thanks
Gold Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition
Please click here to read a letter regarding your child’s upcoming practice Duke of Edinburgh expedition in April 2022.
Please remember it is parents responsibility to drop off and pick up your children at the appropriate location and time. Please click here for location details.
Many thanks
Easter Revision Support
Please click here to read a letter about the revision support that is available for your Year 11 child.