DofE Pre-Expedition Training Day

Dear Parent or Carer,

Important Reminder:

Your child is working towards achieving their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and will be undertaking pre-expedition training this week.

Please click here to read the letter which was sent before the Christmas break. Students must read the Expedition Handbook here before their training day so they are fully prepared.

Wednesday 5th January – Year 9 Bronze students with surnames A – H

Thursday 6th January – Year 9 Bronze students with surnames I – Z

Friday 7th January – Year 10 Silver, Year 10 Bronze and Year 12 Gold students

Please continue to check your Gateway app regularly; this will remain the primary means of communication.

Thank you.

Sixth Form Open Evening: 16+ | 2022 and beyond

You can discover more about Lymm Sixth Form at our annual Autumn Open Evening on Thursday 11 November. Click on the image to reserve your place,

Join us for a tour of the Sixth Form Centre where you will have the opportunity to meet current students and speak to our highly qualified teaching staff. Our students choose a wide range of subjects, often combining different disciplines within their choices and our Open Evening will reflect this.

Taking place between 5pm-8pm, there will be presentations by the Headmaster, Mr Williams at 5.30pm or 6.30pm.

Students joining us from other schools are invited to attend from 5pm onwards.

For Lymm High School students the evening begins at 5:30pm promptly.

Surnames A-J please go straight to the Main Hall for the Headteacher’s talk.

Surnames K-Z please go to the Lower Hexagon.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.  

Open Evening 2021

The staff and students at Lymm High School warmly invite you to our Open Evening taking place on Thursday 7th October 2021, 5pm-8pm.

During the course of the evening you will have the opportunity to meet our wonderful staff and students, tour our school and see the facilities we have to offer.  

There will also be presentations by the Headmaster, Mr Williams at 5.30pm, 6.15pm or 7pm.

Please note that we are introducing some Covid safety measures so urge you to click here for details.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.  

A’ level Results 2021

It has obviously been an exceptionally unusual year for exams and results, but the feelings of joy, pride and relief amongst students and staff have been just as strong as ever this morning.

The students certainly should feel proud too. They have had to put up with so much this year, not just academically but socially as well, and they have shown remarkable forbearance and grit to maintain the levels of performance they have. There can be no doubt that their successes today have been hard-earned and thoroughly deserved. It has been a real privilege to work with such wonderful young people and we are delighted to see them do so well.

Click to read more here