Please click here to read a letter regarding the Year 12 Futures Programme, which contains important information about University Open Days, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience and how to support your child.
Author: Lisa Hughes
Year 13 Leavers Letter
Please click here to read a letter from Mr O’Flynn and Mrs Neesam regarding the Year 13 Leavers’ arrangements.
Year 12 Residential Opportunity
Dear Parents / Carers of Year 12 Students
Please click here to read a letter from Mr Mullin regarding an exciting residential opportunity for Year 12 students. Please note that the expression of interest deadline is next Thursday 20th March.
The Sixth Form Team
UCAS Extra Open
You are currently holding no offers and would like to apply for other courses
You have an offer / some offers, but you do not want to accept it
You have changed your mind about what you want to study at University
Y12 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 20th March
Please click below to read a letter from Mrs Neesam regarding Year 12 Parents’ Evening which will take place on Thursday 20th March.
Edge Hill University Trip – Year 12 – Wednesday 23rd April 2025
Please click below to read a letter from Mr Mullin regarding the Year 12 trip to Edge Hill University on Wednesday 23rd April 2025
A Level and BTEC Certificate Collection
Dear Parents/Carers and Year 13 Leavers (past students),
Following the cancellation of the certificate collection this week due to the severe icy conditions and school closure, we have rescheduled it for next Tuesday 14th January 2025 in the Lower Hex between 3 and 4pm. We are confident that by next Tuesday, the ice will have thawed and the site will be safe for everyone.
This will be a great opportunity for students to catch up with staff and share their news, however, we understand that unfortunately a lot more students will already have returned to university by then, therefore if your child would like to nominate and authorise someone else to collect them at this time on their behalf, the student should email myself to confirm this (if they haven’t done so already)
Since your child’s old Lymm High school email address has now been disabled, I would be very grateful for your help in sharing this information with them yourself and with anyone else you know to whom this information is relevant.
It’s important to note:
These certificates are official evidence of your child’s qualifications and should be kept safe, as they may need to produce them for jobs or further studies in the future.
- Only the student can collect their certificates, as they are required to sign for them.
- If your child is unable to collect them, they can nominate someone else to do so on their behalf. To arrange this, the student must email Mrs Hughes in advance, giving permission and naming the person who will collect the certificates.
- If certificates are not collected on this day, they can be collected from Main School Reception / Exams Office after 14th January by prior arrangement. To arrange this, please email
- Please be aware that the school only keeps certificates for 12 months. If they are not collected within this time, they will be returned to the exam boards. Replacements must be requested directly from the exam boards, and this can be a costly process.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing your child on Tuesday 14th January 2025.
January 2025 – Welcome Back and Expectations Update
Dear Parent / Carer,
Please click on the link below for an important letter from Mrs Neesam, Head of Sixth Form
Year 12 – Safe Drive Stay Alive
Please click the link below to read a letter about the Safe Drive Stay Alive communication to Year 12 students.
Get Ready for Children in Need – Friday 15th November!
Dear Parents / Carer,
We’re thrilled to announce that Children in Need is just around the corner, taking place on Friday 15th November! This event is always a highlight of our school year, and our Sixth Form students are preparing to go all-out once again with their incredible costumes to raise funds for this worthy cause. You can expect a fantastic display of creativity, colour, and fun as our Sixth Formers dress up as all sorts of characters and parade through school at break time to collect donations.
In addition to the costume parade, we have a special treat for students this year: the chance to throw wet sponges at some brave volunteer teachers during lunchtime! Students can pay a small donation for each throw, making this a fun and memorable way to raise even more for Children in Need.
If you’d like to support this wonderful cause, we’re making it as easy as possible to donate through the school. Donations can be made on the day in our collection buckets, through ParentPay, or even via card, with a card reader available in school.
And don’t forget to keep an eye out for all the wonderfully dressed-up characters making their way to school that day! Thank you in advance for helping us make a difference through Children in Need.
Kind regards
The Charities Team and The Sixth Form Team