Geography Iceland Trip – Parent Information Meeting

Dear Parent or Carer,

With not long until the geography trip to Iceland departs, there will be a parental / guardian information meeting held after school on Monday 18th September between 5.30pm and 6.30pm in the main school hall. At this meeting there will be a PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of the trip itinerary, as well as details regarding travel and a kit list. There will be an opportunity to meet the staff accompanying the trip and to ask questions. Please email Mrs Rigby at to confirm attendance. Students are also welcome to attend.

Mrs Rigby

Year 13 – First Day Back – Thursday 7th September

Dear Parent or Carer,

We are very much looking forward to seeing students on Thursday and we hope they have all had a lovely summer break. Students should arrive in school by 8.25am and go directly the Lower Hex for assembly.

For students travelling to school using Warrington’s Own Buses network, the website has been updated with the latest information here.

In addition, you may have seen in the media the news about some schools being closed due to RAAC concerns. Please be assured that Lymm High is not affected by this issue.

If you have any questions or queries, please direct them to Mrs Hughes on in the first instance.

The Sixth Form Team

Year 12 – First Day of School – Wednesday 6th September

Dear Parent or Carer,

We are very excited to welcome all our new Year 12 students tomorrow, we are sure they will have a wonderful first day and introduction to Sixth Form!

Students should arrive in school by 8.25am and enter school via the Sixth Form entrance and go directly to the Lower Hex, where they will be greeted and given their timetable, followed by breakfast with their tutors. Later in the morning, all students will have new biometrics taken for their fingerprint for their ParentPay school food account, please check that their account is topped up. Students will also have a new portrait photograph taken tomorrow, if any students have not yet got all the Sixth Form uniform, we will have spares available for the photograph.

Miss Dixon, Head of Year 12 will be available to chat to students in the Lower Hex during break and lunchtime if they have any queries. She will also be available in her office at N204 during P5 if a student wishes to speak to her privately. Students may also come and see Mrs Hughes and Miss Lewis at the Sixth Form Student Services desk with any queries at any time. We are all here to help students settle in. 

For students travelling to school using Warrington’s Own Buses network, the website has been updated with the latest information here.

In addition, you may have seen in the media the news about some schools being closed due to RAAC concerns. Please be assured that Lymm High is not affected by this issue.

If you, as parents have any questions or queries, please direct them to Mrs Hughes on (phone Ext 124) in the first instance and she will be happy to help sign post. 

Kind regards

The Sixth Form Team

A Level Geography – Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) – Year 13

I am writing to let you know that as part of your child’s A Level Geography Course, they must produce an independent project on a topic of their choice that fits with the AQA A Level Geography Specification Content. This is called the Non-Examined Assessment or NEA and is worth 20% of the final A Level.

The NEA has been launched to students recently by their geography class teacher. General guidance regarding the structure and suitable content for investigations has been provided in lessons. However, students should plan to collect their primary data during the summer vacation so that this can be used at the start of the new academic term in September.

Students are required to submit a proposed title for their independent investigation to their geography teacher for approval by Friday 21st July. Further deadlines regarding the completion of this work have been emailed to students and can be found on SMHW.

Your support with the completion of this work and the meeting of deadlines would be greatly appreciated. Should you require any further information, please contact Mrs Rigby, Head of Key Stage 5 Geography.

Year 13 Prom Night

Dear Parent or Carer,

We hope that students are all having a wonderful summer so far and enjoying the break from study and exams. If tickets have been booked and paid for Prom tomorrow night, we are very much looking forward to seeing them!

Pom starts at 7pm and finishes at 11pm (Wednesday 12th July at Statham Lodge Hotel). Students need to make sure they have lifts / taxis arranged to ensure they are off-site promptly once Prom has finished.

If students use an inhaler / epipen / other medication, please ensure they bring this with them and finally a reminder that students must not bring alcohol to the Prom and parents will be expect to collect students who arrive under the influence of alcohol.

Thank you for your support, if you have any questions or queries, please email

Many thanks

Sixth Form

They did it!!!

Dear parent/carer,

I’m not ashamed to admit that while setting off the final A level exam this afternoon, my emotions got the better of me! There’s something particularly poignant about the end of the exam season and the realisation that students’ time at Lymm High School has come to an end. Throughout the last two years and in particular in the run up to the external exam season and coursework deadlines, students have been simply amazing. The resilience and determination they have shown reassures us that they are ready for whatever life has in store for them next and we wish them the very best of luck and happiness.

We have our Art Exhibition to look forward to this week, which will celebrate the endless hours of work from our Art, Photography and 3D design students, the annual Fashion show will follow on 6th July; we hope to see you there. We are also looking forward to seeing all of our Yr13 students at the prom on 12th July, for their final goodbye.

On behalf of myself, the sixth form team, the teaching and support staff at Lymm, thank you very much for all of your support over the last two years, I hope you can now breathe a sigh of relief; they did it!

We hope you have a wonderful summer, please do take a moment to look at the slides shared at last week’s recent information, advice and guidance evening to prepare yourself for results day PowerPoint Presentation (

Thank you again,

Mrs Jennings