Sixth Form Induction Day

Dear Parent / Carer,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming your child next Tuesday 27th June for the Sixth Form Induction Day. We have planned a full timetable for them, including taster lessons, a quiz and fun and games on the field after lunch, including an ice cream van.

Your child should arrive at school between 8am and 8.15am and go directly to the Lower Hex for registration, where they will be able to collect their timetable for the day. If they use any medication, such as an inhaler, epipen or insulin pen, please make sure they bring these with them. Please can you ensure there is money on your child’s School Food ParentPay account so they can purchase food at break and lunchtime (PP students will have their usual food allocation on their accounts).

Your child should attend in their own clothes, making sure they are in something suitable and comfy for the activities on the field. They could bring a water bottle as it looks set to be a pleasantly warm day. They will also need their mobile phone to take part in an online quiz (there is a prize for the winning person / team!).

If you have any questions or concerns in advance of the day, please email

Sixth Form

Careers Fair – 5 – 7pm Tuesday 4th July

We are excited that so many of you have already reserved tickets to attend our Careers Fair which is taking place 5 – 7pm on Tuesday 4th July


To help you and your child/children get the most out of the event, we have produced a Careers Fair programme which gives you information about all the companies, colleges and universities exhibiting, as well as the schedule of talks taking place. Details of some fantastic opportunities are listed in the programme including: apprenticeships, work experience, study courses, internships, year-out placements and more. Click on the link below to view the full programme.


We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Careers Fair Programme

It is essential to reserve tickets if you are planning to attend the event. Please click on the link below to reserve tickets online. 


Reserve Tickets Online – Careers Fair

Careers Fair – Tuesday 4th July 5 – 7pm

We are very excited bring you details of our Careers Fair, which will be held 5 – 7pm on Tuesday 4th July in the Sports Hall and the Main Hall. The event is open to Lymm High students in years 9 to 13 to attend with their parents / carers.

Whether your child is just beginning to think about career options, or actively looking at study options, jobs or apprenticeships; Perhaps they would like to get some insight into an industry or sector; Or you may wish to find out more about how to help your child choose and navigate their study and career pathways; Please come along and meet with colleges, employers, industry experts and listen to talks from experts and educators. To find out more about what will be happening at the event please click here. Also see below for a current list of colleges and organisations attending.

So that we can plan for the smooth running of the event, it is essential to reserve your place, by clicking here.

Colleges attending:

Reaseheath College

Priestley College

Warrington & Vale Royal College

LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts)

Lymm Sixth Form

Education & Semi Professional Football Academy


Universities attending

Manchester Metropolitan University

Liverpool John Moores University

Edge Hill University

Organisations attending:


All about STEM

Morson Projects

RAF Career Engagement

Visions Designs

Packaging Automation Limited



Astra Zeneca

Just Head Shots

Clancy Consulting


WS Transportation

cb3 design architects

10:10 Games





Royal Navy Submarines

Kids Planet Nurseries



Rider Levett Bucknall

Balfour Beatty

Y13 Results Day Assembly and Prom

Results Day Assembly for Students

During the Y13 Assembly tomorrow morning, 8.25am on Tuesday 25th April, students will be given important information about Results Day. This will include how results will be received, UCAS offers, clearing etc. It is vital that all students attend this assembly so they can be fully prepared for results day. We would be grateful if you can support your child to attend. We will also send a letter to you with all this information in due course.


Please click here to read a letter about the Y13 Prom and how to purchase tickets. The Prom will be held on Wednesday 12th July 7 – 11pm at Statham Lodge Hotel in Lymm.

Yr13 External Exams

In only 17 school days, the main external examination period will begin. We encourage all of our Yr13 students to  maximise their school day, by working in school from 7:30am-5pm.

The following rooms are available for study

7:30-8am – N block study rooms / Upper and Lower hex

8am-8:45 – Form rooms

All day until 3pm – library / upper hex for silent revision

3pm-5pm – N block study rooms / upper hex

Snacks will be provided for students staying after school to revise.

Students should get into the habit of arriving to school early, to prepare them for the summer exam season, where they will need to be seated in the exam venue at 8:30am. Arriving early also helps to secure a parking spot in the car park!

We recommend that students pause paid work now to focus on their revision. This will give them the additional time to relax and ensure they look after their mental well being too.

As a parent, there are many ways you can support your child through the exam season, see the suggestions from the NHS here. Help your child beat exam stress – NHS (

If you are in any way worried about your child, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the sixth form team, we are all here to support you.

Many thanks

The Sixth Form Team


Iceland Geography Trip 2023

Iceland geography trip 2023 – The Iceland trip departs on Friday 27th October. Please ensure that your child’s passport is valid for at least an extra 6 months after we return (30/10/23). Please double check this and, if you need to, apply now to avoid the summer rush at the Passport Office. Please contact Mrs. Rigby or Mr. Barnett if you have any questions.

Work Experience Opportunity at Sellafield, Warrington – Nuclear Design Engineering

Opportunities for Y11, Y12 and Y13 students to take part in the Work Experience programme at Sellafield Ltd, in Risley, Warrington are available. Students will undertake a week-long placement solving real engineering problems. They will gain awareness in Process, Mechanical, Control, Electrical & Instrumentation and Civil & Structural Engineering Design as well as meeting with members of Sellafield’s Operational Research Analyst team. They will experience exciting and rewarding challenges with a clear vision of the future opportunities available in engineering. They will also gain valuable employability skills for future employment and education/training providers. Working as a project team they will experience first-hand how to use STEM subjects to work on a ground-breaking project alongside nuclear industry’s experts.

Student’s interested in applying to this placement, should return the application found here to by 30th May 2023. See the available dates below. On returning this document, please advise the best dates to attend. Sellafield recommend you advise more than one week due to availability.

Sellafield Summer Work Experience Programme

  • WC 10.07.23      Year 11
  • WC 17.07.23      Year 12/13
  • WC 24.07.23      Year 11
  • WC 31.07.23      Year 12/13
  • WC 07.08.23      Year 11
  • WC 14.08.23      Year 12/13
  • WC 21.08.23      Year 12/13

University Student Finance

University student finance applications are now open. Please view the following two guides for more information:

Student Loans – FAQs

Understanding Student Loans – Overview​​​

You may also find the following video useful for understanding how to apply:

Understanding your student loan: a guide for English students starting an undergraduate course 2023 – YouTube

Students are advised to apply by 19th May to ensure that funding is in place for the start of their course. Please see the link below for information relating to timescales for applying

Student finance: get ready for 2023 to 2024! – Get ready for 2023 to 2024!