Year 7 homework

Dear Year 7 Parents,

I trust your child has settled in smoothly and found their first 2 days at Lymm High School both enjoyable and enriching. It has been a genuine pleasure to welcome them into our community.

I am writing to inform you of our current approach regarding homework for Year 7. To facilitate a seamless transition, teachers will refrain from assigning any homework over the next 2 weeks. Following this period, students will receive homework exclusively from the core subjects (Mathematics, English and Science) for the remainder of this half term. A full homework schedule across all subjects will commence at the beginning of the next half-term.

Kind regards,
Miss Crowder – Assistant Headteacher ‑ Teaching and Learning

Letter from Mr Williams

As we reach the end of another school year, I’d like to start by thanking you all for your ongoing support. It’s been another varied and busy year, with all the usual challenges along the way, but dominated overall by wonderful students doing wonderful things. Thank you for bringing up such brilliant young people and for supporting the school in trying to do our best for them.

Please click here to read more.

Free School Meals

Free School Meals can really help families who might be struggling to provide lunch for their child in school. Students receive £2.70 per day to buy a hot or cold meal at lunch, every day in term time. There are a range of benefits that could make you eligible.

If you think you might be eligible or are on any of these benefits, it’s always worth putting in an application – please contact Mrs Mogey in Student Services on 01925 750711 for any advice about Free School Meals and click here for the application form. It really only takes a few minutes to complete and it could help by providing an extra £13.50 in canteen credit per child every week. Because the credit is added automatically each day, it also doesn’t require you to tell your child about receiving Free School Meals if you’d rather not.

Whether or not you are eligible, if you are struggling, please get in touch with your child’s Head of Year or Pastoral Manager – we are here to help and can also signpost to organisations you might not be aware of. We will always treat any information you share in the strictest confidence. We know these are tough times but we are here to help our families just as much as our students in any way possible. If you are struggling to fill out the Free School Meal application form, again please get in touch. We are always happy to help you get the support you might need.