Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.
Author: Natalie McGillivary
A reminder that Friday 5th July is an INSET Day. School will be closed to all students.
Careers Fair – Tuesday 9th July
Our 2024 Careers Fair Programme details all the colleges, universities and employers who are scheduled to attend our Careers Fair on Tuesday 9th July. In this programme, you will find everything you need to plan your visit so you can make the most of your time at the event.
Admission is free – tickets must be booked in advance by clicking here.
We look forward to welcoming you on the night!
Facial Recognition
We will be capturing students’ biometric data on Tuesday 2nd July to implement the facial recognition technology across the school from Thursday 4th July.
Thank you to everyone who has provided consent. If you are yet to do this, please click to complete the Facial Recognition Consent Form. It will take less than 2 minutes. Please note that if you do not consent, you still need to complete the form.
Founders’ Day – Monday 22nd July
This year’s Founders’ Day ‘A celebration of community’ will reflect our founding principles of community service and social responsibility. Please click here to read about how we are celebrating this important date in the school calendar.
Bastille Day celebrations
The Modern Languages Department are thrilled to announce the Bastille Day celebrations for Year 7, which will take place on Monday 15th July 2024!
To mirror the French tradition of dressing in blue, white and red, Year 7 students will be allowed to wear accessories in the French colours on this day. Students must otherwise wear their full uniform.
In Form time, students will enjoy a French breakfast of a croissant. We have then secured the Main Hall to learn about the French revolution and engage in fun team activities. We will be joined by the Performing Arts faculty who will lead us in rousing renditions of La Marseillaise and songs from the modern musical adaptation Les Miserables.
The ‘L’ side of the year will be with us in the Hall periods 1–2, and ‘H’ side of the year will be with us periods 3–4, so students should pack for their other lessons accordingly.
All Year 7 students will attend, and there is a £1.50 contribution to be paid by Parent Pay by Friday 5th July. Any monies not spent on breakfast and resources will go to Médecins Sans Frontières, an international humanitarian organisation providing medical care in more than 72 countries.
PE Kit donations
The PE department is in need of old PE kit, trainers and football boots. If you have any items that we can reuse, students can drop them at the PE Office.

The Sixth: 24-28 June 2024
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.

Lymm High Parent Bulletin 14/06/24
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.