Knit & Stitch Show

On Friday 17th November, a large group of GCSE and BTEC fashion and textiles students spent the day exploring the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate.

The Knitting and Stitching show is one of the leading textile exhibitions in the UK. The show offers plenty of inspiration, workshops and even shopping opportunities.

Students had the opportunity to view a wide range of work by practising textile artists and graduates from various universities across the country. Students challenged themselves, interviewing as many exhibitors as they could to find out more about their work, inspirations and their journey into textiles.

The trip was a great chance for students to gather primary research for their coursework projects, and showcases the wide range of different pathways available within Fashion and Textiles.

Parliament Trip

Miss Dixon and Mrs Jennings took a group of Sixth Form students to Parliament for a tour of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Not only were students able to take part in a mock debate, they also met our local MP Andy Carter!

The students thoroughly enjoyed learning so much about Parliament and Government.

This is a trip we will repeat in the future!