KS3 June Exams

Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be sitting their summer exams in English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages between 10th and 21st June.

An exam timetable for each year group can be accessed here. To find your child’s specific exam dates on these, you need their subject class codes which can be found on their own timetable.
These exams will assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the content they have covered this academic year. Details of the specific content/topics can be found in our comprehensive revision guide, which can be found here.

Please click here to read the full letter.

Managing exam stress and wellbeing

As the Year 13 exams are approaching, the school mental health team would like to share with you some helpful tips and advice around managing student stress and wellbeing during this period.

Please find linked here, a copy of a presentation delivered by Miss Newton, aimed at highlighting coping skills that may be useful throughout the exam period. This presentation will be shared via Class Charts for Year 13 and we hope can be a valuable tool of reference for parents also.

If your child would prefer to explore exam support advice online, the following websites and videos may be of use:

Parent/Carer advice:

If you would like to speak to the pastoral team about any additional support you feel would be needed at the moment for your son/daughter, please email sixthform@lymmhigh.org.uk.

We wish all the Year 13s the best of luck with their upcoming exams!

Kind Regards,
Mrs R Hunter
Mental Health Lead

Managing exam stress and wellbeing

As the Year 11 exams are approaching, the school mental health team would like to share with you some helpful tips and advice around managing student stress and wellbeing during this period.

Please find linked here, a copy of a presentation delivered by Miss Newton for Year 11 students, aimed at highlighting coping skills that may be useful throughout the exam period. This presentation will be shared during Form time for Year 11 and we hope can be a valuable tool of reference for parents also.

Revision timetables can be useful to help alleviate any anxiety around revision planning. A blank revision template can be found on our KS4 revision webpage here and hard copies are available in Student Services should students prefer these.

If your child would prefer to explore exam support advice online, the following websites and videos may be of use:

Parent/Carer advice:

If you would like to speak to the mental health team about any additional support you feel would be needed at the moment for your son/daughter, please email rhunter@lymmhigh.org.uk.

We wish all the Year 11s the best of luck with their upcoming exams!

Kind Regards,
Mrs R Hunter
Mental Health Lead