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School Newsletter – January 2024
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The Year 9 Parents’ Evening will be taking place on Thursday 22nd February online. Please click here to read further information.
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past two weeks.
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
We are planning a History and Religious Studies trip to Krakow and Auschwitz. The proposed trip will take place from Thursday 13th March- Saturday 15th March 2025. The purpose of the trip is so students can deepen their understanding of the Holocaust and support their studies in Year 9. To read the full letter, click here.
Please find the choices form attached here. Students will receive a paper copy on Monday morning. This form is for them to complete and bring to their interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. The final choices will be completed via an electronic form.
We are delighted with the response in relation to the Afritwin partnership and it was fantastic to have so many of you attend the information evening on Monday.
If you weren’t able to make it the slides can be found here, but please note a change in deadline to initially sign up for the trip, this is now Friday 2nd February.
As discussed, there was more interest than we expected, which means we will look to run another trip in July 2026 as well.
If your child would like to sign up to go on the trip, please complete the form here.
Once the deadline has passed we will offer places on each of the 2025 and 2026 trips. Once places have been allocated, we will contact you with further details regarding confirmation, deposit, payments etc.
We are delighted to inform you that on Thursday 25th January we have an author visiting school to talk to our Year 7 students. The visiting author is Sophie Anderson, who created The House with Chicken Legs, which our students have been studying since October. Sophie will be giving a presentation about her inspiration for the book and her life as an author, as well as spending some time answering questions from the students. This will take place in the Main Hall, during period 4 on Thursday. Please remind students to go to their Period 4 lesson as normal, and their class teacher will walk them down to the hall.
Sophie Anderson has also very kindly offered to stay behind at lunch time to sign any copies that the students may have of any of her novels. If you do have any copies of these texts at home, please send them into school with the student, and we will ensure that these get signed by the author.
We are thrilled to be able to offer this experience to our students.
Please click here to read a letter about a continuing initiative in school whereby we offer breakfast to all students in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM).
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has announced that the HPV vaccine programme will change from a two-dose to a one-dose-vaccine schedule for eligible young people. Please click here to read the letter sent home.