Options Choices

You will shortly receive a letter regarding your student’s Options choices. This letter will confirm what subjects they will be studying from September 2023 as they move into Year 10 and Key Stage 4. Should you have any queries or do not receive the letter in the near future, please can you contact the school Data Manager, Mr Seddon on jseddon@lymmhigh.org.uk.

Bronze DofE information

Dear Bronze DofE parent,

Please find attached information about the upcoming practice expedition on 12th – 13th May. Due to the size of the Bronze cohort, there will be two different start points: Alderford Lake, near Whitchurch and Whitefield car park near Delamere Forest. Your child has been sent via their school e-mail a link to a form we need them to complete please – this form asks them which students they would like to share a tent with (3’s) and walk with (max 10’s) as well as the names of any students they are likely to be car sharing with so we can ensure they are at the same start point. Please can we ask you to ensure your child has completed this as soon as possible this week so that we can confirm your child’s start point. Also attached is a parent information PowerPoint with lots of useful links – there is a parent information evening this Thursday at 5:00 PM on Microsoft Teams but we thought it would be useful to send the slides out ahead of that. If your child needs to borrow a rucksack or sleeping mat, they need to indicate it on the form they’ve been sent and by Friday 28th April.

Many thanks

Year 7 Art trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park – Thursday 25th May 2023

Your son/daughter has been selected to attend a Year 7 Art trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Thursday 25th May 2023 and should have received a letter with the medical consent form attached. The trip is free of charge and is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience a wide range of artists outside of the school environment as well as a chance to practice observational sketching and photography outdoors. In order to secure your child’s place on the trip the final deadline for medical consent forms to be returned to Miss Simms (Technician) is Friday 28th April. Replacement letters/medical consent forms are available to collect from Miss Simms (Technician) if required.