Year 9 Choices form

Earlier today your child was sent the electronic link to the Year 9 options form. We have purposefully waited until today because we wanted all students to have had their options interview before they completed the form. Please spend a few minutes with your child over the next 2 days to complete their choices. They need to take their time with it however, as the form only allows them to submit it once.

Any problems, please ask them to speak to their form tutor in registration.

Year 10 Parents’ Evening

The Year 10 Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 23rd March. As in previous years, this will take place via School Cloud You will be able to book a 4-minute appointment between the times of 4:30pm and 7:30pm from 7:00am on Friday 17th March. The appointment will automatically end after 4 minutes. If you have any further questions, then please contact the teacher via email.

It is recommended that you log-on in advance of your first appointment to check that you can access the school cloud. If you need any technical support, please contact I have also attached a guide for your support.

If your child has more than one teacher for a subject only one of the teachers will be available on the evening. Some teachers may have a high number of Year 10 classes. Due to this, they may not be able to see all parents or may not be able to answer all of your questions in the allocated time. If there is a teacher that you cannot get an appointment with, but would like to speak to, then please contact them via their school email address, which can be found on the school website.

New Group Reading Test

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of our continued commitment to our policy of ‘every student a reader’, we regularly review the progress of all pupils who have been identified as needing additional support.

To ensure we have accurate reading ages for your child, we will be re-testing your son/daughter using the New Group Reading Test (NGRT). The test is a standardised, adaptive assessment to measure reading skills against the national average. The benefits of NGRT are as follows:

  • It is adaptive and responds to a pupil’s ability as they complete the test, so more able readers are challenged, and weaker readers remain engaged.
  • It provides us with a Standard Age Score and a Reading Age – both of which we will use to ensure your child receives the most appropriate, targeted, and timely support.
  • It is widely used in Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) reading intervention projects.

The test will take approximately 30 minutes and is completed on a computer. Your child will be supervised, and if they have an identified special educational need(s), an additional adult will be in the room to support them with logging onto the programme and can answer any questions they may have. Please be aware that as it is a test of reading comprehension and decoding, your child will not be able to have words read to them.

Your child’s form tutor will inform them of the time of their test – all of which will take place on the week of the 6th March. All that we ask of you, as parents/carers, is that you reinforce the importance of reading and encourage your child to try their best throughout the test.

Once we have the results, we will then make sure your child is getting the most relevant support to meet their reading needs.

If you have any questions or concerns about the test itself or would like to know more about our reading and whole school literacy programme, please contact

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Miss K. Yates

Year 9 Choices deadline – Friday 10th March

Students will be sent a ‘Microsoft Form’ via their school email to make their final options choices in a few days before the deadline, so that they have had their options interview before completing it. Tomorrow in registration, Year 9 form tutors will inform students of the details of their options interview. If you know your child is not going to be in school, please email your child’s form tutor, but please bear in mind that options interviews are scheduled from Wednesday 1st March to Monday 6th March.

If for any reason your child misses their interview, please ask them to find the member of staff or drop them an email to rearrange it. If your child is undecided still and needs any help after their interview, please ask them to see any of the staff listed on the last page of this presentation; a good starting point would be their form tutor.

Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal

Please read below for the fundraising efforts Lymm High is organising over the next two days for the Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal.

Tomorrow, we are having a cake sale and a raffle so students may wish to bring in some cash. If you would like to donate any cakes for the sale, students can bring these to S107 before form time. Raffle tickets can be purchased from the school shop (in-person and over the phone) and there are some great prizes, including:

  • Refurbished Lenovo L490 Laptop
  • Family portrait session with Andrew Collier
  • Afternoon Tea for two at Statham Lodge
  • Meal for two at Ego’s Lymm
  • Sunday roast platter for two at The Jolly thresher
  • Voucher from Karl Welsh Flowers

On Friday, we will be having a non-uniform day. If students wish to dress down they need to give a pound donation to their form tutors. Please note that students still need to bring their PE kit in for PE lessons.

We are also having our regular end-of-term Doughnut Day event where students can buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts for £1 at breaktime in the main hall. The money raised will be split between the PTA and the earthquake appeal.

Thank you for your support.