As a result of industrial action by the NEU, school will be closed to Years 8, 9 and 10 on Tuesday 28th February. Please click here for a letter from Mr Williams about this.
Author: Natalie McGillivary
E-Safety Information Evening – Thursday 9th February
Our E-Safety Information Evening for parents and carers is on this Thursday (9th February) at 6pm. The details to join this online event are below:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
The Sixth 03/02/2023
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
School Newsletter – January 2023
Read the January issue of our school newsletter, which includes details of our Chinese New Year activities, our Year 9 at work feature, and the latest Rewards Pyramid. Read it here!
History Residential Trip
Dear parent,
Please find attached important details regarding the History Residential to London 8th-10th February 2023.
This presentation has essential safety and behavioural expectations. The Kit List contains what to/not to bring and the itinerary.
Please check that appropriate clothing has been packed (no crop tops, overly ripped jeans, or shorts) and that pupils have warm layers.
We will do a lot of walking and it will be cold.
Please make sure your child’s medical details are correct and up-to date and we are made aware of any changes, including mental health concerns.
On the day of the trip, it is essential that medication for any listed conditions is handed in. Including inhalers if asthma is listed (even if not used in a while), if it’s on the medical form, we have to account for it. We will not be able to bring pupils who have not got their needed medication.
We are very excited for the trip, and we hope that it will result in some amazing memories, as well as being beneficial to the academic achievements of your child in their GCSEs.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions.
Email is the best form of contact at
Yours sincerely,
Miss Sykes
Trip Lead & Head of History
Core Mock timetable
Further to Friday’s letter, please find below an updated version of the Core Mock timetable for Year 11 students. All students should have their revision well underway, with staff offering guidance and support in lessons and at revision sessions.
Year 9 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 16th February
Please click here to read about the Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 16th February.

LHS Parent Bulletin 27/01/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
The Sixth 27/01/2023
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.