Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
Author: Natalie McGillivary
School Newsletter – October 2022
Read the October issue of our school newsletter, which includes details of the Year 8 and 9 Colomendy trip, our latest school production, and the new Student Leadership Team. Read it here!
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
The Year 8 Parents’ Evening will be taking place on Thursday 17th November. Our Parents’ Evening will remain online, using the School Cloud platform. You will need to register and book your appointments by logging into SchoolCloud – Lymm High School. I have also attached a guide here for your support.
You will be able to book a 5-minute appointment with teaching staff between the times of 4.30pm and 7.30pm. The booking system will open at 7am on Thursday 10th November 2022. On the evening you will access your video appointments by logging into School Cloud as above. At the time of your meetings you will be prompted to ‘join the meeting’. All appointments will last a maximum of 5 minutes, there will be a timer displayed within the meeting so you will know when it ends. The video link will close when the 5 minutes is up.
It is recommended that you log-on in advance of your first appointment to check that you can access the School Cloud. If you need any technical support, please contact
If your child has more than one teacher for a subject only one of the teachers will be available on the evening. Some teachers may have a high number of Year 8 classes; because of this, they may not be able to see all parents or may not be able to answer all of your questions in the allocated time. If there is a teacher that you cannot get an appointment with, but would like to speak to, then please contact them via their school email address.
Coursework catch-up session on Thursday
Your child has been invited to an extended coursework catch-up session for BTEC Health & Social Care on Thursday 3rd November from 3:10 – 7pm. Food and a drink will be provided. This is because your child has fallen a bit behind with their coursework which is overdue or has missed a deadline and we hope that we can get both pieces finished/handed in by the end of this session so they can concentrate on preparing for their exam at the end of Jan. Please can you confirm your child’s attendance by emailing Miss N Dixon It will take place in the Library and we look forward to seeing your child there. Many thanks in advance for your support.
Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
We know that money is extremely tight for lots of families at the moment and one avenue of support is to apply for ‘Free School Meals’. These are administered by the Local Authority to eligible parents and enable students to receive £2.40 per day for lunch in the school canteen. Please check the criteria to see if you might qualify – if you do, we would urge you to apply as soon as possible by following the instructions on this form.
To read one of the original letters sent home in the summer, which details Pupil Premium eligibility, click here.
Year 11 Revision Support
Please click here for the slides from the ‘How to help your child revise’ session for parents. An e-version of the booklet handed out is here. The revision support sessions starting after the half-term break are here.
Lots of other support, including a list of the revision guides mentioned, can be found on our website here.
The government yesterday released some official data on this year’s GCSE performance. There will be more information in our next newsletter, but we promised to let parents and carers know when this information was available and thought you’d appreciate a quick note before half-term.
The measure that is considered to be the most important these days when judging school performance is ‘Progress 8’ – i.e. a measure of the progress made by students across a wide range of subjects during their time at secondary school, taking into account their starting points in terms of how well they had done at the end of Year 6.
Lymm High School has a Progress 8 score for this summer of 0.54. For context, this is the best in Warrington and, moreover, places us in the top ten of all mixed comprehensive schools in the whole of the North West (around 400 secondary schools across 23 local authorities). This is obviously a fantastic performance, especially for a school that also places so much emphasis on extra-curricular activities and personal development.
Well done again to everyone concerned!
The Sixth 21/10/22
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
The Sixth 14/10/22
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.