Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
Author: Natalie McGillivary
Colomendy trip – October 2022
Please click here to read a letter about next month’s Colomendy trip for Years 8 and 9.
Lymm High Open Evenings
Main School – Thursday 6th October 2022
Sixth Form – Thursday 10th November 2022
PE Kit Policy
Dear Parent and Carer,
I am writing to inform you about a change to Lymm High’s PE kit policy. As you are aware, all students that need to be excused from a PE lesson need to have an explanatory letter from their parent/carer. They also need to still get changed into their PE kit to undertake other roles where possible (e.g. leader or official).
From Monday 26th September, if students do not have their PE kits with them, they will need to wear one of our spare, clean kits.
Students have been made aware of this new requirement. We would appreciate your support in reminding your child to always bring their PE kit in to their lessons.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Kerwin
Head of PE & Sport
Year 9 IAG – Thursday 22nd September 2022
I hope that you have all enjoyed a safe and restful summer break. We are delighted to be welcoming back our students and are looking forward to supporting Year 9 this year.
With this in mind, we would like to invite all parents and carers to our Year 9 Information and Guidance evening (IAG) which will be held on Thursday 22nd September from 6–7pm online. If you cannot make this time please do not worry, we will record the IAG and provide access to the PowerPoint slides. The information provided will be primarily aimed at parents and carers and the role that you can play in supporting your child through this year, as well as giving you an overview of what can be expected in Year 9, including some information regarding GCSE options.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Yours sincerely,
Miss T Taylor
Head of Year 9
Warrington Careers and Opportunities Fair – 12th October 2022
‘Your Future, Your Choice, Move On’ will feature over 50 employers, further and higher education opportunities, independent training providers, and voluntary organisations all with options to extend students aspirations and chances. Please click here for a list of exhibitors.
Attendance can be as an individual or with parents and guardians, and while not exclusive, the organisers are encouraging pupil premium and SEND students to attend in the first hour when extra support will be available.
“We are aiming to make the event as meaningful as possible for all the attendees and the varied range of employers, training and volunteering opportunities will give a broad breadth of possibilities to expand your students”, say the organisers.
The Eventbrite link for students to book can be found by clicking here.
Show My Homework access
Dear Parents/Carers of Year 7,
As you may already be aware, as a school we use the online platform ‘Show my Homework/Satchel one’ to record weekly homework tasks for students. Via this platform, all homework set is viewable by students on a phone, tablet or laptop, alongside a timeline of deadlines to help them successfully manage their independent work and build positive learning habits. A student account can also be linked to parent accounts to allow you to support your child’s homework organisation.
While the majority of Year 7 students have been able to activate their accounts and log in, it appears some students do not know their high school email address, which is halting the log-in process.
For information, all student email addresses follow the format below:
‘Year of entry+first initial+surname’
So for instance, a Year 7 student in this September’s intake, named Joe Bloggs would have the address:
Students will have set their own email passwords in IT lessons, and will have been sent a password reset email to allow them to log in to satchel one. Email is accessible via the school website.
If you are still having any difficulties logging in, please feel free to contact me at and I can provide log-in PINS for parents and students.
Kind regards,
Miss Mulholland
Year 7 Meet the Tutor evening – Tuesday 27th September 2022
Dear parents/carers,
I hope that you have all enjoyed a restful summer break. We are delighted to be welcoming our new Year 7 students and are supporting them whilst they settle into high school.
We understand that the transition to high school can feel somewhat daunting for both students and their parents/carers. We want a positive start by ensuring that both parents and students feel informed and prepared for the year to come.
With this in mind, we would like to invite parents and carers to our Meet the Tutor evening which will be held in school on Tuesday 27th September. We ask that students do not attend the evening as the information provided will be primarily aimed at parents and carers.
So that tutors have a chance to talk to as many parents as possible we are splitting the evening into two sessions.
- 5.00pm – 5.45pm Surname A-J
- 6.00pm – 6.45pm Surname K-Z
If you cannot attend your session time but would like to come to the other session, please email to let me know:
If possible, we would like to encourage any parents/carers to attend the evening on foot. However, we will have parking available. Please do exercise caution when parking to ensure that cars are not blocked in.
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours sincerely,
Miss N Beck
Head of Year 7
Year 8 IAG
A reminder that Year 8’s Information and Guidance (IAG) event is taking place online this evening at 6pm. Please click here to read the letter sent home last week.
The details to join the online meeting are:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 315 037 289 137
Passcode: MjbD9c