A Guide to Traineeships and Apprenticeships

Wednesday 25th May, 4pm (by Zoom)

LMP Education is a National Apprenticeship Training Provider. It will be delivering a 45-minute broadcast to all year 11s, 12s and 13s across the country to fully explain the apprenticeship route and available opportunities that it has starting from August onwards.

Students can join via Zoom. The agenda will cover the following:

  • About LMP Education and how it can support you in starting your career.
  • Apprenticeships – key facts and considerations.
  • Traineeships – what they are and how they get you into an apprenticeship.
  • Traineeship and Apprenticeship – opportunities for now and September.
  • Eligibility and how to apply.
  • English and Maths.
  • Next steps.
  • Q&A.

To sign-up to attend the webinar, please register here.


DofE Emergency numbers

Dear Parent or Carer,

The Parent Emergency Numbers for the Year 9 DofE expedition on 29/30th April are:

  • For students dropped off at start point A, the number is 07768 836695.
  • For students dropped off at start point B or C, the number is 07712 553365.

Please note that the phone signal may be sketchy and that these numbers are for emergencies only.

Many thanks.

DofE equipment

Dear Parent or Carer,

We hope your child is looking forward to DofE on Friday and Saturday this week. Just to remind you, we can also lend them these items, but students must see Miss Dixon by lunchtime on Thursday is they need any of them:

  • Sleeping bag
  • Plate/bowl/mug/cutlery
  • Water bottle
  • Torch
  • Walking shoes – only certain sizes available so please get in touch today (Wednesday) if your child needs any
  • Walking socks (please tell us shoe size)
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Waterproof trousers
  • Rucksack
  • Sleeping mat

Tents and stoves are loaned to all students without needing to ask.

Please email Miss Dixon (ndixon@lymmhigh.org.uk) if your child needs anything by Thursday 12 noon.

Many thanks.

Year 9 Bronze DofE Group C (10am)

Dear Parent or Carer,

Thanks for your patience with finding out the specific start point for your child on their Bronze Y9 DofE expedition. When there are so many students involved, we have needed to have different start points, different camp sites, different routes, different arrival times (waves), and with trying to keep students with their friends as much as possible and take into account students car sharing with other students in different walking groups, it has made it particularly tricky. We really appreciate your understanding.


This message is to confirm that your child needs to come to [START POINT C – this is at: Whitefield ‘X-mas tree’ Carpark, Delamere Forest, CW8 2JG]. Your child needs to aim to arrive at 10am (wave 2) but it is not a disaster if they can’t and can only be dropped off at the wave 1 time, please just email ndixon@lymmhigh.org.uk so we are aware though. Please use the ‘What 3 Words’ app scanner.unlisted.lace for the specific location which can be put into sat nav and usually provides more accurate directions, but please also use the description on the Info Sheet which you can access here.


Year 9 Bronze DofE Group C (9.30am)

Dear Parent or Carer,

Thanks for your patience with finding out the specific start point for your child on their Bronze Y9 DofE expedition. When there are so many students involved, we have needed to have different start points, different camp sites, different routes, different arrival times (waves), and with trying to keep students with their friends as much as possible and take into account students car sharing with other students in different walking groups, it has made it particularly tricky. We really appreciate your understanding.


This message is to confirm that your child needs to come to [START POINT C – this is at: Whitefield ‘X-mas tree’ Carpark, Delamere Forest, CW8 2JG]. Your child needs to aim to arrive at 9:30am (wave 1) but it is not a disaster if they can’t and can only be dropped off at the wave 2 time, please just email ndixon@lymmhigh.org.uk so we are aware though. Please use the ‘What 3 Words’ app scanner.unlisted.lace for the specific location which can be put into sat nav and usually provides more accurate directions, but please also use the description on the Info Sheet which you can access here.