Meet the tutor event – Monday 23rd September

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Information evening on Monday 23rd September. The event is for parents and carers only and will run from 6-7pm.

It will be split into two halves as follows:


  • L Form parents go straight to the Main Hall via the Atrium entrance (by the blue pods off the carpark).
  • H Form parents go straight to the Main Reception area where you will be met by your child’s Tutor and escorted to the relevant classroom.


  • L Form parents will be directed out of the Main Hall by your child’s Tutor to the relevant classroom.
  • H Form parents will make their way to the Main Hall.

We look forward to meeting you on Monday.

Sexual Health Awareness week

We cover our Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE); Relationships and Sexual Health (RSHE); and elements of careers through a curriculum delivered during Form times and extended Form sessions across the year. This is referred to in school as ‘Life Programme’.  These lessons take place approximately every fortnight. To read about this week’s plans for Sexual Health Awareness week, please click here.