Founders’ Day food bank collections

In celebrating our school’s history and community links, we will be asking all students to make a minimum donation of £10 for the sponsored Colour Run, which they can gather over the coming weeks by taking part in a variety of charitable tasks both in school and at home. During form time we will be asking tutors to discuss and share ideas about what students could do in order to help them in achieving this donation total.

Additionally, we will be supporting both the Trussell Trust and a local Ukraine Appeal by doing a food bank collection. Our students and families have always been incredibly supportive in previous food bank appeals, so we are looking forward to receiving jars and tins in the run up to Founders’ Day. Items being collected, include:

  • Cereal
  • Soup
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
  • Lentils, beans and pulses
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Tea/coffee
  • Tinned fruit
  • Biscuits
  • UHT milk
  • Fruit juice

Thank you for your support.

Year 11 Prom – Thursday 30th June 2022

We are looking forward to seeing your son/daughter at our Year 11 Prom on Thursday 30th June.

Here is an update on the timings:

  • Arrive from 6.30pm at The Park Royal Hotel, Balmoral & Buckingham suite
  • Drinks reception 6.30-7.30pm
  • Sit down meal 7.30pm
  • 9.30pm disco
  • 10.15-10.30 pick up

Please note:

  • Students must be aware that once they are inside the venue they must stay inside and not wander around the hotel or go outside.
  • A responsible adult must pick them up.
  • We expect exemplary behaviour from all of the students, they must not bring any alcohol/substances/vapes with them – bags will be checked on their way in.
  • Students must not turn up under the influence of any drink or substances.
  • Any poor behaviour will result in them being asked to be picked up.


We look forward to celebrating with them.

Mrs Wagstaff

Buses on last day of term – Thursday 21st July

As was the case in December, the bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for our early finish on the last day of term, 21st July. We are assuming the picture will be similar to the case in December and would like to avoid the need for all buses to come to school at 3.15pm only for most to return to the depot empty. The most straightforward thing to do will be to cancel the buses altogether and make alternative arrangements for the few who are likely to need them.

Therefore, if your child will not be able to make their way home any other way on Thursday 21st July, please let us know by Friday 8th July by emailing and we will organise transport home for them separately, probably via a school minibus.

French film

As part of our curriculum in French in Year 9, all pupils will be watching the French film ‘Intouchables’ starring Omar Sy and François Cluzet.
This contemporary film, which is set in Paris, addresses the issues of stereotypes and marginalised groups but is presented in a light, funny and entertaining way.
As the film is classified as 15 rated (it contains some bad language), if you would prefer that your son / daughter DIDN’T watch the film, please email me before Friday at 3pm to let me know and we will make arrangements for them to join a different group and complete alternative work.
My email address is
Please note that the film is available on Netflix if you would like to watch it in advance.
Many thanks for your support,
Mrs Baldwin

Year 11 Last Day – Thursday 23rd June 2022

Year 11 MUST come in full school uniform tomorrow or they will not be allowed to attend the Year 11 leavers’ assembly.  Please also remind students that we still expect exemplary behaviour.  Students will be expected to leave site no later 1pm.  If students normally get the school bus they will to be picked up or they need to make their own way home.  Shirts are to only be signed AFTER the assembly.

Many thanks for your support

Mrs Wagstaff