Year 10 Revision Support

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 10 students will now be able to access an online revision guide, available to view and download via the ‘Revision’ section of the school website and linked here. This is an excellent source of support which guides students through useful revision strategies, as well as outlining ‘where to start’ with their revision across subjects.

As mentioned in my previous letter, we do not expect students to spend all of their Easter break revising as it is important for them to have a rest and prepare for a busy half term to come. However, we advise them to make a start on those subjects and topics that they do find challenging so that they have plenty of time to revisit key information and test their knowledge before the mock period begins.

If your child has not already registered for GCSE Pod, please do encourage them to do this over the holidays and explore this app, as it is a brilliant online tool to support them. All details of how to do this can be found in the online revision guide on the school website.

Following the Easter break, I will be delivering a number of assemblies to offer further support and guidance.

Enjoy a safe and restful Easter break,

Mrs Feast

Easter Revision Sessions

Monday 4th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and History drop-in with Mr Williams
Psychology and Health & Social drop-in from 10.30am with Mrs Jennings

  • Dance (in-person open to all) 10am –12pm
  • PE (invitation only)
  • Computer science (online) 9am – 12pm. Students will need access to Python, they are welcome to use the Library in school.

Tuesday 5th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and Psychology drop-in with Mrs Wagstaff

  • English (in-person open to all) 9.30am – 12pm for the majority of students. A different session may be added depending on numbers.
  • DT (in-person open to all) 9am – 2pm

Wednesday 6th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and Maths drop-in, Mr Johnson
Fashion drop-in from 9am – 1pm with Mrs Morris (open to all)

  • Science (invitation only) 9am – 1pm
  • Maths (invitation only) 9am – 1pm

Thursday 7th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and RS drop-in, Ms Taylor
Fashion drop-in from 9am – 1pm with Mrs Morris (open to all)

  • Media (invitation only) 9am – 11am
  • Geography (online) 10am – 11.30am
  • History (online) 12.30pm – 2pm

Friday 8th April
School closed

  • French Speaking online Mrs Baldwin’s class (Times to be given by class teacher)

Monday 11th April
School closed

  • French Speaking online Miss Grice’s class (Times to be given by class teacher)

Thursday 14th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and English drop-in, Mrs Feast 9am – 11am

  • Drama (open to all) 9am – 2pm
  • History (invitation only) 9am – 11am



Theatre trip cancelled – Tuesday 29th March

Today all Year 7 L forms were due to go to the theatre to see the performance of the House with Chicken Legs. Unfortunately, this has been cancelled by the theatre due to technical issues. We are very disappointed and will do our best to ensure the students get another opportunity to see this performance next term. We will communicate alternative dates as soon as these are confirmed.

Students will be told at breaktime (10.45-11.15) that they won’t be going today. Normal lessons will commence. Please don’t worry that your child may not have the correct equipment needed for lessons.

We ask that you arrange normal collection at the end of the school day as usual. We will allow the students to use their mobile phones at breaktime should you wish to communicate information to them about collection from school.

We do apologise on behalf of the theatre. As far as we know tomorrow’s performance will still be going ahead.


Summer exams

As you are aware, due to the challenges faced by students over the last two years, the Government has put in place arrangements to support students beyond what would be in place for a usual exam year.

This letter highlights those main changes and indicates where students can find the relevant information.

The Summer exam timetable can be found here. Please note that GCE = A’ Level.