DofE session – Wednesday

Due to staff absence, the DofE registration session on Wednesday after school will unfortunately not be taking place. However in order to get students registered, their tutors will provide them with their unique username and we’ll get instructions out to them as soon as possible in the form of a step-by-step helpsheet. Students need to check their school email for this.

Students can see Mrs Hill if they need any help.

Covid testing in January 2022

Dear parent or carer

Firstly, thank you for your continued engagement with the testing programme at home. It has been extremely valuable in helping to minimise the spread of Covid-19. We will be sending further testing kits home to be used over the Christmas period and request that students test at home on Monday 3rd January.

In addition to this, we have been asked by the Government to test all students once on return to school in January. This means that Years 7 to 11 will return to school on Tuesday 4th January and testing will take place during normal lesson time throughout the day. Years 12 and 13 will receive remote lessons on Tuesday 4th and will return to school on Wednesday 5th January, with testing taking place during form time and period one.

For anyone who is new to the school or has not yet given consent, please complete the form in the link here. If you have previously given consent you do not need to complete this. The consent form will need to be completed separately for each child. Sixth form students are allowed to complete the form themselves. If you are completing the form then please do so before we break up for the holidays.

As a reminder, on the day, if a student were to test positive on the lateral flow test then they would be required to take a confirmatory PCR test. If this test is positive they will then have to isolate, but if it is negative they can return to school.

Having undertaken the testing process a number of times our systems are now very efficient.  However, we are currently in need of some extra volunteers to help with the process. The process is very straight forward and you would have lots of support on the day. If you are available on Tuesday 4th January 8am until 3.10pm and Wednesday 5th January 8am until 10.45am and feel you would be able to help, then please get in touch with Ms McGuffie

Thanks again for your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Mr R Johnson
Deputy Headteacher

RSHE Webinar

A reminder about our second online webinar that we are facilitating for parents and carers on Tuesday 14th December, led by the organisation It Happens. This workshop provides a platform for parents and carers to consider guidance on ‘Positive RSHE at home… top tips for brilliant conversations’. The workshop allows for anonymous participation, but this is not compulsory and all guests are asked to have their cameras and microphones off. You do not need to have completed the survey to join us.

The link to the webinar is:

Meeting ID: 926 8438 2238
Passcode: 635751

Time: 6.30-7.30pm

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow,

E-Safety Parental Information Evening

We have invited Kat Howard from Smoothwall to talk to us about how we can keep our children safe online. Kat Howard has been working in, and with, schools for over 17 years to develop their understanding of Online Safety and support school leadership teams to implement and embed policies, procedures, training and committees. She is passionate about the importance of online safety in schools and the wider community and provides advice and support on a day-to-day basis. During this workshop, Kat will give you lots of practical hints, tips and activities to support your young people in this environment.

This event was due to take place in school, but will now be online at 6pm on 13th January 2022. A link will be sent out nearer the date.

Year 10 DofE Silver

Notice about Y10 DofE Silver for students who’ve signed up or are thinking about signing up

Due to numbers who have signed up for Gold and Silver, Get Outside The Classroom now need to combine the Gold and Silver Moel Famau expedition training days across the weekend of  29th/30th January. The Gold training day will not change, but it will mean the Year 10 Silver students will now be doing their training day on Sat 29th Jan and not Sun 30th Jan as the original letter said.

If this new date poses a problem, please get in touch with Ms Dixon ( so we can process a refund. We apologise for any inconvenience.