French theatre production

The Modern Foreign Languages department are thrilled to announce an afternoon at the theatre for Year 7!

We have secured the Onatti theatre company to perform a play in French for all Year 7 students during the school day on Thursday 30th January 2025. The play, Prendre sa Revanche, will be performed by native French actors and is carefully written and delivered to be humorous and accessible. All actors are trained to perform with clear, slow delivery and good use of mime to ensure the students can follow the play.

All Year 7 students will attend, and there is a small contribution to be paid by ParentPay by Friday 13th December. However, we have been able to keep the cost of this production to £3.00 per student. If you have any financial concerns, please contact Miss Izquierdo-Moreno.

Christmas Kindness

To tie in with our social responsibility theme of Kindness, we are once again supporting those less fortunate than ourselves in the run up to Christmas.

Key Stage 3 students (Years 7-9) are creating shoeboxes for Manchester’s Street Angels.

We are asking Forms in Years 10-13 to either club together to buy toys for Warrington Youth Zone’s Christmas Toy Appeal or to donate new toys and games to Mission Christmas.

Donations of money and toys can be taken into Forms up to the deadline of Friday 29th November.

Lymm Learner programme

We are excited to announce an inspiring new initiative at Lymm High School: The Lymm Learner. This programme is designed to recognise and cultivate qualities that we believe are essential for students to thrive academically and personally. As part of this, our positive points system will be shifting to better reflect the qualities of a ‘Lymm Learner.’

A ‘Lymm Learner’ is a student who:

  • Takes responsibility for their own learning.
  • Is motivated by their progress and strives to improve.
  • Asks thoughtful questions and confidently challenges assumptions.
  • Thinks critically to enhance their understanding.
  • Embraces setbacks as learning opportunities and shows resilience.

Each week, students will earn Lymm Learner Hall points for demonstrating these attributes in their classes. The top three students in each year group who accumulate the most Lymm Learner Hall points will receive a special certificate, which will be sent home in recognition of their dedication and success.