Homework and knowledge organiser information evening

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to those of you who logged on yesterday hoping to join our Year 7 homework and knowledge organiser information evening. Please accept our apologies for the technical difficulties that prevented the event from going ahead.

Having resolved these technical difficulties, we will look to a rescheduled date for this event on an evening next week – further details and zoom links will be sent out later this week once a suitable date has been agreed.

Apologies once again, and thank you for your patience. Your engagement in your child’s education, and smooth transition to Lymm High School is always much appreciated, and we look forward to speaking to you directly next week.

Miss Mulholland and Mrs Worrall


Apprenticeships Go – 2nd December 2021

This event (6–7.30pm on the LearnLive platform) is a fantastic opportunity for anyone wanting to know more about apprenticeships. There will be employers telling us what they look for in someone who is applying for an apprenticeship, what stands out on a CV and sharing their top tips.

Apprentices from across the region will be answering questions from an interactive quiz and there will be a series of videos telling us the kind of work they do, why they chose to do an apprenticeship and more. All apprentices and employers will be live on the chat throughout the event to answer any questions about apprenticeships.

There will also be information on what kinds of apprenticeships there are, the different levels and where you can find them.

You could win one of five £20 Amazon Vouchers. All you need to do is register for the event and ensure that the box about ‘sharing information with your school’ is ticked.

To register, scan the QR code or click here.


Year 7 Homework and Knowledge Organiser Information Evening

To help Year 7 parents support their child with the transition to high school, and the expectations of homework and revision, Mrs Worrall (Head of Year 7) and Miss Mulholland (Assistant Headteacher – Teaching and Learning) will be hosting an information session via Zoom on Tuesday 16th November, which will run from 7pm.

The link to the zoom meeting can be found here: https://lymmhigh-org-uk.zoom.us/j/5112590866

There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and to hear about the specific revision strategies that students have been taught in school to ensure they are making the most effective use of their knowledge organisers for revision of lesson content. For parents unable to attend, resources will be placed online after the event.


Wellbeing Evening – 17th November 2021

On Wednesday 17th November (6–7pm) we are inviting parents and carers to attend school for a mental health information evening in the Main Hall.

The mental health and wellbeing of our young people is vitally important and now, more than ever, we hope to encourage our students to speak out, ask questions and access the support they need for their wellbeing.

The Wellbeing Evening will include a presentation from our Mental Health Lead Mrs Hunter alongside information from the School Nurse service and Kooth.com. The evening will explore a variety of mental health difficulties faced by young people together with practical strategies and advice for parents and carers to help support our students with their wellbeing.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the evening.

Wellbeing Evening – 17th November 2021

On Wednesday 17th November (6–7pm) we are inviting parents and carers to attend school for a mental health information evening in the Main Hall.

The mental health and wellbeing of our young people is vitally important and now, more than ever, we hope to encourage our students to speak out, ask questions and access the support they need for their wellbeing.

The wellbeing evening will include a presentation from our Mental Health Lead Mrs Hunter alongside information from the School Nurse service and Kooth.com. The evening will explore a variety of mental health difficulties faced by young people together with practical strategies and advice for parents and carers to help support our students with their wellbeing.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the evening.

Sixth Form Open Evening – 11th November

We invite all Year 11 students and their parents to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 11th November.

The evening begins at 5:30 pm.

  • Students with surnames A-J – arrive through the Atrium and go straight to the Main hall for the Headteacher’s talk.
  • Students with surnames K-Z – arrive to the Lower Hexagon to collect your welcome packs. You will then attend your subject sessions from 5:40pm. You will attend the Headteacher’s talk at 6:45pm.

If you haven’t already, please ensure you have reserved your place here.

Students do not need to be in school uniform.