We are going to be trialling sending out progress reports this year electronically via the School Gateway app and via email. Year 11 and 13 progress reports are due out after October half-term, and Year 7, 8 & 9 are due out mid-November. Year 10 are due early December, and Year 12 due mid-December. We hope this will more reliably ensure parents receive their child’s progress reports, and also ensure parents who have parental responsibility but do not live with their child are kept up-to-date with their progress in school. In order to receive your child’s progress report, please make sure you have downloaded the School Gateway app from the app store (it’s free) – if you need login details for the app because you haven’t used it before or have been locked out, please contact ithelpdesk@lymmhigh.org.uk. Please also ensure that we have the correct mobile number and email address for you – to let us know of any changes, please contact MIS@lymmhigh.org.uk. If you have any other questions, please get in touch with your child’s Head of Year.
Author: Natalie McGillivary

LHS Parent Bulletin 09/10/20
Click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, containing the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks, as well as key upcoming dates.
Open Evening 2020
Our virtual Open Evening took place on 8th October, but you are still able to access all the videos and learn more about our curriculum and extra-curricular provision. Please email openeve2020@lymmhigh.org.uk to receive the link and password.
Sixth Form Open Evening, 12th November 2020
Lymm High’s Sixth Form virtual Open Evening will take place on 12th November. You will be able to hear from our headteacher about the aims and values of our school, learn more about our curriculum and extra-curricular provision, and hear from some of our current Sixth Form students. To register your interest, please click here so we can send you a password to ‘attend’.
Year 13 update
Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Jennings, which includes details of upcoming virtual events and important reminders.
Year 12 update
Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Jennings, which includes details of upcoming virtual events and important reminders.
Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
Please click here to read a letter about Free School Meals and Pupil Premium eligibility.
Virtual coffee morning is ‘top fundraiser’
Lymm High Sixth Form’s virtual coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support has raised nearly £600 and was one of the most successful JustGiving pages last month. Out of thousands of fundraisers, we were in the top 15%!
“This year we’ve more than tripled last year’s total and we want to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated”, said Abbie Leach, the Student Leadership Team’s Charity representative. “We also want to thank all of the students who joined our Macmillan Zoom with coffee and cake! ”
Donations are still being accepted if you’d like to contribute. Just click on this link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lymmhighvitrualcoffemorning
School Newsletter Issue – September 2020
Read September’s school newsletter, which includes important messages for parents. You can also read about our new Student Leadership Team and find out how our Year 7s are settling in. Read it here!
Buses and confirmed Covid cases
Please read this letter if your child travels to and/or from school on buses.