Category: News
Exam success continues for Lymm High School
After our best ever set of A’ Level results last week, it has been the turn of Year 11 to shine…. and they certainly haven’t disappointed!
Mr Williams said:
“We’ve grown quite accustomed to exam success at Lymm High School over the past few years and, whilst we knew this was a great year group and were expecting excellent results, there is always a bit of you worrying that this might be the year when things slip a little!
In the event, these GCSE results are also the best the school has ever had – and in a year where the national picture seems to be that results have dropped slightly. After last week’s phenomenal A’ Level results, I could not be prouder of our students and the dedicated staff who have supported them on their journey.
What is even more important than these results is that they are wonderful young people. We’ve had the pleasure of working with them since Year 7, and watching their well-deserved celebrations this morning as they opened their envelopes has been a truly magical experience.”
Congratulations, Class of 2024: best ever ….. again!
Results days are full of emotion, a mixture of excitement and apprehension as the envelopes are opened and the eagerly anticipated results are revealed. They also provide a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the hard work of our students, and staff, over the previous 2 years and none more so than this year. We are delighted to say that the Year 13 students sitting their exams this year have done extremely well and have in fact surpassed the record set by last year’s cohort, to take the mantle of our best ever Post-16 results.
Mrs Jennings, Head of Sixth Form, said:
“I am absolutely delighted. This cohort has been an exceptional group of students, not just in terms of their exam results, but as well-rounded and delightful individuals. It has been a privilege to see how they have progressed over the last 2 years and the fantastic individual results they have achieved. I really am so proud of them.”
Once again nearly all Lymm High Sixth Form students have already secured places at their preferred universities. This includes very high numbers heading off to the most prestigious institutions, including Oxbridge, and onto the most competitive courses, such as medicine.
School Newsletter – June/July 2024
Read the June/July issue of our school newsletter, which includes details of the Battlefields trip, Awards Evening and Year 11 Prom. Read it here!
Founders’ Day – Monday 22nd July
We will be hosting a Founders’ Day church service at St. Mary’s Church in Lymm on Monday 22nd July from 6–7pm, which will include performances from our wonderful musicians, drinks and canapés. All are invited to attend.
Matilda the Musical
Tickets on sale now!
Careers Fair – Tuesday 9th July
Our 2024 Careers Fair Programme details all the colleges, universities and employers who are scheduled to attend our Careers Fair on Tuesday 9th July. In this programme, you will find everything you need to plan your visit so you can make the most of your time at the event.
Admission is free – tickets must be booked in advance by clicking here.
We look forward to welcoming you on the night!
School Newsletter – May 2024
Read the May issue of our school newsletter, which includes details of Tynny’s reopening, our latest Inter-Hall success, and the Year 7 Coasts & Castles trip. Read it here!