Ofsted Report

As you may be aware, Ofsted visited us in December 2022 for an ungraded inspection. Ordinarily, a school wouldn’t expect another visit for 4-5 years. However, the inspection team found enough evidence that the quality of education provided by Lymm High School is now outstanding. This means that they have recommended a further, graded, inspection to take place within a year or two. This was the best possible outcome available to us and we are delighted that the progress of the last few years has been recognised in this way.

Please click here to read more.

Warrington Apprenticeship and Jobs Fair – Wednesday 8th February

The Warrington Apprenticeship and Jobs Fair is being held on 8th February at the Youth Zone.

This will include:

  • 50 employers
  • All with roles and apprenticeships available for application
  • Wide range of sectors present, including STEM, Digital, Construction, Care, Hospitality, Logistics, Finance, Administration, Armed Forces
  • All levels of apprenticeships available from entry level to degree
  • Myth busting talks about apprenticeships
  • Apprenticeship and T’ level courses

The link to book direct is below
