Please click here for a parent information presentation about Lymm High’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. For further information, you can visit our DofE webpage here.
Category: Sixth Form
Parent Governor vacancies
Please click here to read a letter from our chair of governors regarding parent governor vacancies. If you are interested in becoming a parent governor, please contact Mrs Headon, Clerk to the Governors ( by Friday 26th November.
Year 13 – Plan B contingency arrangements
Please click here to read a letter from Mr Williams regarding the “Plan-B” contingency arrangements in the event that exams are cancelled again next summer.
The Sixth 12/11/21
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
Wellbeing Evening – 17th November 2021
On Wednesday 17th November (6–7pm) we are inviting parents and carers to attend school for a mental health information evening in the Main Hall.
The mental health and wellbeing of our young people is vitally important and now, more than ever, we hope to encourage our students to speak out, ask questions and access the support they need for their wellbeing.
The wellbeing evening will include a presentation from our Mental Health Lead Mrs Hunter alongside information from the School Nurse service and The evening will explore a variety of mental health difficulties faced by young people together with practical strategies and advice for parents and carers to help support our students with their wellbeing.
We look forward to welcoming you all to the evening.
LHS Parent Bulletin 05/11/21
Please click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
The Sixth 05/11/21
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin.
Early close – 12.15pm on 17th December 2021
The bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for our early finish on the last day of term, 17th December. We know from the early finish for Open Evening before half-term that nearly all of you found alternative ways of children making their way home and only a handful actually used the buses on this day. We are assuming the picture would be similar again in December and would like to avoid the need for all buses to come to school at 3.15pm only for most to return to the depot empty. The most straightforward thing to do will be to cancel the buses altogether and make alternative arrangements for the few who are likely to need them.
Therefore, if your child will not be able to make their way home any other way on Friday 17th December, please let us know by Friday 3rd December by emailing and we will organise transport home for them separately, probably via a school minibus. If the numbers involved mean that we do need to use school buses, we will make arrangements to look after your children until the buses leave at their normal times.
Covid update
Please click here to read a letter from Mr Williams about the latest situation regarding COVID in school.
The Sixth 22/10/21
Please click here to read the latest issue of the Sixth Form bulletin, which covers half term and the first week back.