Ski trip – kit list

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for supporting the Chill Factore trips at such short notice. The students had a great time, even if some spent a little more time on the floor than on their skis!

I will be in touch after the half-term with a date for when we can meet to discuss the finer details of the Ski trip. I am still waiting on flight times but these will not be released until after the final payment. As a reminder, your final payment date is 10/11/2023. 

Please find some guidance on passports below and a kit list attached (sent directly from the ski tour coordinator):

Please note, UK passport validity:

  • Everyone’s passport should be valid for at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave (check the ‘expiry date’)
  • If you renewed a 10-year adult passport before it expired, extra months may have been added to your passport’s expiry date. These extra months will not count.

Please check current information on the government website here:

Kind regards,

Miss Crowder

Sixth Form Open Evening, 5-8pm Thursday 16th November

We are very much looking forward to welcoming students and their parent / carer to our Open Evening for the opportunity to learn more about the courses we offer, view our facilities and to get a real insight into our wonderful Sixth Form community. It is essential that your child reserves a place to attend, by clicking on the booking link below. We will communicate more information in due course to those registered to attend. On the evening, we would kindly request that students bring only one parent or carer wherever possible. Please note, this evening is for Yr11 students only.
If you have any questions or queries, please call and speak to Mrs Hughes or email
We look forward to seeing you.

The Sixth Form Team

Ski lessons

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you have all enjoyed a well-rested summer.

As part of the original Ski package, students have the opportunity to participate in 2 x 2-hour ski lessons at the Chill Factore in Manchester.

To avoid paying winter prices, I have secured both sessions for this September. I appreciate this is early and you may have preferred later sessions closer to the ski trip, but I was keen to avoid additional costs and the prices increase significantly from October onwards.

The first session is booked for Wednesday 20th September at 5:45 – 7:45pm and the second session is booked for Wednesday 27th September 5:45 – 7:45pm. Students will need to arrive at 5:00pm to have their equipment fitted.

Students will need to be dropped off and picked up by a parent/guardian. I will be there for both sessions and I will remain with the students.  

Students will be provided with boots, ski equipment and a helmet. However, if students have their own helmets, they are allowed to bring them. Clothing is not included, so please make sure they wrap up in warm clothing, waterproof jackets, sensible footwear (walking boots), thick socks (above the calf) and gloves– these are mandatory, and students will be refused entry without them. 

Miss Helen Crowder

Year 13 – First Day Back – Thursday 7th September

Dear Parent or Carer,

We are very much looking forward to seeing students on Thursday and we hope they have all had a lovely summer break. Students should arrive in school by 8.25am and go directly the Lower Hex for assembly.

For students travelling to school using Warrington’s Own Buses network, the website has been updated with the latest information here.

In addition, you may have seen in the media the news about some schools being closed due to RAAC concerns. Please be assured that Lymm High is not affected by this issue.

If you have any questions or queries, please direct them to Mrs Hughes on in the first instance.

The Sixth Form Team

Year 7 information

Letters with log- in details for Parent Pay will be coming to you soon.

Year 7 students will need the new scientific calculator (available from the school shop at £12.00) the model number is Casio Fx-83GT CW. Art pads (£2.00) are also available at the school shop.

The School shop is open during holidays 9-2.30 Monday-Thursday, 9-2 Friday. During term time, the hours are
8-3.30 Monday-Thursday, 8-3 Friday.

Please note that the shop will be closed on Inset days.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Message from Mr Williams

And just like that, another school year has gone!

It’s perhaps easy to forget now how much disruption Covid-19 was still causing one way or another 12 months ago, but we started the year a little unsure as to how much of an impact it would continue to have. In the end, whilst there certainly have been some long-term effects and some additional challenges to deal with, it feels as if we have made a remarkable recovery as a community and it’s been a great year for Lymm High School.

If we needed any evidence of a return to normality, the latest newsletter provides it. Students have been involved in so many different projects, trips, performances and other events that it has been almost impossible to keep up with everything that has been going on over the past few weeks. The newsletter provides a perfect illustration of just how talented our students are, but also what wonderful, socially responsible young people they are. We are extremely proud of them all, just as you must be.

With best wishes for a lovely summer.

Gwyn Williams and all the staff at LHS

Year 13 Prom Night

Dear Parent or Carer,

We hope that students are all having a wonderful summer so far and enjoying the break from study and exams. If tickets have been booked and paid for Prom tomorrow night, we are very much looking forward to seeing them!

Pom starts at 7pm and finishes at 11pm (Wednesday 12th July at Statham Lodge Hotel). Students need to make sure they have lifts / taxis arranged to ensure they are off-site promptly once Prom has finished.

If students use an inhaler / epipen / other medication, please ensure they bring this with them and finally a reminder that students must not bring alcohol to the Prom and parents will be expect to collect students who arrive under the influence of alcohol.

Thank you for your support, if you have any questions or queries, please email

Many thanks

Sixth Form

They did it!!!

Dear parent/carer,

I’m not ashamed to admit that while setting off the final A level exam this afternoon, my emotions got the better of me! There’s something particularly poignant about the end of the exam season and the realisation that students’ time at Lymm High School has come to an end. Throughout the last two years and in particular in the run up to the external exam season and coursework deadlines, students have been simply amazing. The resilience and determination they have shown reassures us that they are ready for whatever life has in store for them next and we wish them the very best of luck and happiness.

We have our Art Exhibition to look forward to this week, which will celebrate the endless hours of work from our Art, Photography and 3D design students, the annual Fashion show will follow on 6th July; we hope to see you there. We are also looking forward to seeing all of our Yr13 students at the prom on 12th July, for their final goodbye.

On behalf of myself, the sixth form team, the teaching and support staff at Lymm, thank you very much for all of your support over the last two years, I hope you can now breathe a sigh of relief; they did it!

We hope you have a wonderful summer, please do take a moment to look at the slides shared at last week’s recent information, advice and guidance evening to prepare yourself for results day PowerPoint Presentation (

Thank you again,

Mrs Jennings