Royal Navy Cooking Competition

Lymm High School welcomed members of the Royal Navy Catering Services Branch who gave a presentation explaining their roles. They gave an insight into life in the services, and explained the educational and sporting opportunities that the Royal Navy provides.

The students then took part in a Ready, Steady, Cook challenge where each group was given a mystery box of ingredients and had to create a main course and dessert from the mystery box within a 60-minute timeframe. The session was designed to meet current skill and criteria level for Year 11 GCSE exams.

The students’ meals were judged by Mrs Deane, and Aaron and Jason from the Royal Navy. Well done to our master chefs Grace, Jamie, Emma, Emily and
Maddie who won the cooking competition.


Iceland Geography Trip 2023

Iceland geography trip 2023 – The Iceland trip departs on Friday 27th October. Please ensure that your child’s passport is valid for at least an extra 6 months after we return (30/10/23). Please double check this and, if you need to, apply now to avoid the summer rush at the Passport Office. Please contact Mrs. Rigby or Mr. Barnett if you have any questions.

DofE practice expeditions

With the practice expeditions for Silver and Gold DofE coming up in April, there will be an important meeting for all students.

  • For Gold DofE students, this will take place on Thursday 23rd March 3:15–3:45pm in A113.
  • For Silver DofE students, this will take place on Friday 24th March 3:15–4pm in the Main Hall.

If students can’t attend this meeting, they need to email Ms Dixon and then collect their paperwork from Mrs Hill in the school shop on Monday or Tuesday the following week.

There will also be a parent meeting on Monday 27th March 5–5:45pm via Microsoft Teams. The link will be sent out later this week. This meeting will confirm details about expedition locations, drop-off and collection points, food, emergency contact numbers, kit and equipment, and will be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

New Group Reading Test

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of our continued commitment to our policy of ‘every student a reader’, we regularly review the progress of all pupils who have been identified as needing additional support.

To ensure we have accurate reading ages for your child, we will be re-testing your son/daughter using the New Group Reading Test (NGRT). The test is a standardised, adaptive assessment to measure reading skills against the national average. The benefits of NGRT are as follows:

  • It is adaptive and responds to a pupil’s ability as they complete the test, so more able readers are challenged, and weaker readers remain engaged.
  • It provides us with a Standard Age Score and a Reading Age – both of which we will use to ensure your child receives the most appropriate, targeted, and timely support.
  • It is widely used in Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) reading intervention projects.

The test will take approximately 30 minutes and is completed on a computer. Your child will be supervised, and if they have an identified special educational need(s), an additional adult will be in the room to support them with logging onto the programme and can answer any questions they may have. Please be aware that as it is a test of reading comprehension and decoding, your child will not be able to have words read to them.

Your child’s form tutor will inform them of the time of their test – all of which will take place on the week of the 6th March. All that we ask of you, as parents/carers, is that you reinforce the importance of reading and encourage your child to try their best throughout the test.

Once we have the results, we will then make sure your child is getting the most relevant support to meet their reading needs.

If you have any questions or concerns about the test itself or would like to know more about our reading and whole school literacy programme, please contact

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Miss K. Yates

History Residential Trip

Dear parent,

Please find attached important details regarding the History Residential to London 8th-10th February 2023.

This presentation has essential safety and behavioural expectations. The Kit List contains what to/not to bring and the itinerary.

Please check that appropriate clothing has been packed (no crop tops, overly ripped jeans, or shorts) and that pupils have warm layers.
We will do a lot of walking and it will be cold.

Please make sure your child’s medical details are correct and up-to date and we are made aware of any changes, including mental health concerns.

On the day of the trip, it is essential that medication for any listed conditions is handed in. Including inhalers if asthma is listed (even if not used in a while), if it’s on the medical form, we have to account for it. We will not be able to bring pupils who have not got their needed medication.

We are very excited for the trip, and we hope that it will result in some amazing memories, as well as being beneficial to the academic achievements of your child in their GCSEs.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

Email is the best form of contact at

Yours sincerely,

Miss Sykes

Trip Lead & Head of History

PTA Quiz

Dear Parent or Carer,

Thank you for buying tickets to next week’s PTA Quiz on Friday 27th January. Please could you ensure you pass this information on to your teammates.

As you know, there will be a fish and chip supper available, plus a bar. We will also be holding a raffle.

We aim to start promptly at 7pm, so would appreciate all teams being at their tables for then. Food will be available from 8pm.

Parking is available in the Sixth Form car park (accessible from the 2nd entrance off Oughtrington lane). However, we ask that cars are not left overnight. Please note that the main school car park (outside the Leisure Centre) will be locked before the end of the quiz.

To enter the Lower Hex, please use the door off the Languages yard. I have attached a map here for parents unfamiliar with the school layout.

Any queries, please email

Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you next week.