KS3 Awards Evening postponed until next Wednesday

Dear Parent or Carer,

As you may be aware, we have Ofsted in today and tomorrow. As such, we have decided to postpone tomorrow’s KS3 Awards Evening until next Wednesday. Light refreshments will be available from 4.15pm, ready for a prompt start at 4.30pm. We anticipate finishing around 5.30pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Thompson should you require any further information regarding this event (mthompson@lymmhigh.org.uk).

Safe Drive Trip – Coach issue clarification

Dear Parent or Carer,

We are aware that some images have been circulated on social media in relation to the return coach trip today and we would like to clarify exactly what happened so that you are assured that it was only a very minor incident and there was no danger to any of our students.

After the performance at Middleton Arena, Coach 1 was parked and stationery while we registered students for the return. The bus behind us (from another bus company and school trip) pulled out from behind us and their wing mirror clipped the back corner of the bus. This caused the safety glass to break but it remained in the pane. No shards of glass fell. We disembarked all the students from the bus and waited in the arena while a replacement bus was sent to collect us.

Thank you

Sixth Form Team

Coursework catch-up session on Thursday

Your child has been invited to an extended coursework catch-up session for BTEC Health & Social Care on Thursday 3rd November from 3:10 – 7pm. Food and a drink will be provided. This is because your child has fallen a bit behind with their coursework which is overdue or has missed a deadline and we hope that we can get both pieces finished/handed in by the end of this session so they can concentrate on preparing for their exam at the end of Jan. Please can you confirm your child’s attendance by emailing Miss N Dixon ndixon@lymmhigh.org.uk It will take place in the Library and we look forward to seeing your child there. Many thanks in advance for your support.

Year 9 reminders for this week

Dear Parent or Carer,

A few reminders for parents/ carers before the Year 9 Colomendy trip departs tomorrow.

  1. There are to be no phones on the trip. Students will be sent home if they bring their phones, and parents asked to collect them. Please help us by checking these first thing and ensuring that there are no phones in bags.
  2. No cameras are allowed on the trip, for safeguarding purposes. Staff will take pictures with a school camera and find a suitable way for students to access these pictures after the trip.
  3. Tomorrow morning, students can be dropped off on site, and bags need to go straight to the studio – they will be locked in there and students will not be able to access them until they are collected during period 3.
  4. During period 3 (teachers will let students know when it’s time to go) – students will get their bags from the studio and get on the correct coach when directed to by staff. Students must be on the correct coach to ensure registers are correct as we need to be on the road ASAP to get there in time for lunch and the first activity.
  5. Students can bring snacks but cannot eat on the coach. They will be given lunch when they get to Colomendy.
  6. Students should arrive tomorrow in their own clothes – NOT uniform or PE kit even if doing PE.
  7. Students do not need to bring books for p1,2 or 3 lessons but must go to p1,2 & 3 and await instruction from the staff member to go and collect their bags.
  8. Please do not bring smart watches.
  9. Please do not bring expensive items that you don’t want to get wrecked/muddy/wet.
  10. NO NUTS due to nut allergies on the trip. These can be dangerous for others and need to be adhered to

All students not on the trip should still be in school as normal lessons are taking place, with specialist teachers. Absence will affect your child’s attendance figures. Students staying in school will follow a separate timetable for the rest of the week. These timetables will be handed out tomorrow by form tutors, and there will be spares in Student Services. These were already shared in today’s form time: if your child was not in form they will not have this information, and must be there tomorrow (unless they work elsewhere during this time, in which case the member of staff there will share the necessary information).

Year 8 Colomendy reminders

Please see below for some reminders about next week’s trip:

  1. NO phones. Students risk being sent home if they bring their phones.
  2. NO cameras. Staff will take pictures with a school camera.
  3. Bags can be dropped off on site and taken straight to the studio. They will be locked in there and students will not be able to access them until the end of Period 2.
  4. At the end of Period 2, students will go to get their bags and get on their coach when directed to by staff.
  5. Students can bring snacks but cannot eat on the coach. They will be given lunch when they get to Colomendy.
  6. Students need to come in their own clothes, no uniform or PE kit even if doing PE.
  7. Students don’t need to bring books for Periods 1 & 2 lessons.
  8. Students must go on the coach that they are told to – they will be numbered.
  9. Do not bring smartwatches.
  10. Do not bring stuff you don’t want to get wrecked/muddy/wet.
  11. NO NUTS!