Year 11 History revision

Dear parents/carers of year 11 history pupils,

A revision list with extensive knowledge questions has been emailed to all pupils in preparation for March assessments.

Pupils have also received writing frames, practice questions and model answers to help with their preparations.

We hope these will be of great use to our pupils and advise pupils spend a good amount of time reading through each of the resources so they can effectively revise for the assessment and summer exams.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,

Ms F Sykes,
Head of History

Visual Arts & Design Trip

Students attending the Visual arts and design trip to London from Friday 18th February must complete a lateral flow test at home by 7pm on Thursday 17th February. This result must be recorded via the NHS website, to be shown to staff before boarding the coach on Friday morning. Students will be unable to attend the trip without proof of a negative lateral flow result.

In the unfortunate circumstance your son/daughter tests positive on Thursday evening, please email or as soon as possible.

Please note when collecting students from school on Sunday evening the school gates will be locked before the coach arrives. Whilst waiting please park only after the school gates down towards the Sixth Form car park entrance and St Peters church to avoid any difficulties for the coach travelling down Oughtrington Lane.

Apprenticeships Go – 2nd December 2021

This event (6–7.30pm on the LearnLive platform) is a fantastic opportunity for anyone wanting to know more about apprenticeships. There will be employers telling us what they look for in someone who is applying for an apprenticeship, what stands out on a CV and sharing their top tips.

Apprentices from across the region will be answering questions from an interactive quiz and there will be a series of videos telling us the kind of work they do, why they chose to do an apprenticeship and more. All apprentices and employers will be live on the chat throughout the event to answer any questions about apprenticeships.

There will also be information on what kinds of apprenticeships there are, the different levels and where you can find them.

You could win one of five £20 Amazon Vouchers. All you need to do is register for the event and ensure that the box about ‘sharing information with your school’ is ticked.

To register, scan the QR code or click here.


Early close – 12.15pm on 17th December 2021

The bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for our early finish on the last day of term, 17th December. We know from the early finish for Open Evening before half-term that nearly all of you found alternative ways of children making their way home and only a handful actually used the buses on this day. We are assuming the picture would be similar again in December and would like to avoid the need for all buses to come to school at 3.15pm only for most to return to the depot empty. The most straightforward thing to do will be to cancel the buses altogether and make alternative arrangements for the few who are likely to need them.

Therefore, if your child will not be able to make their way home any other way on Friday 17th December, please let us know by Friday 3rd December by emailing and we will organise transport home for them separately, probably via a school minibus. If the numbers involved mean that we do need to use school buses, we will make arrangements to look after your children until the buses leave at their normal times.