Parental Vape Education Evening – Thursday 15th June

Please click here to apply for free tickets to a Parental Vape Education Evening. This will be held at the Pyramid Hall, Warrington, next Thursday evening from 6-7pm.


The session will focus on vaping within the youth demographic and will discuss up-to-date statistics and current trends in the UK and Warrington, along with clear pathways to access support & advice.


Trading standards will also be talking about fake vapes and what to look out for alongside the Early Help Team Manager to discuss cannabis elements sometimes linked to vaping. 


Careers Fair – Tuesday 4th July 5 – 7pm

We are very excited bring you details of our Careers Fair, which will be held 5 – 7pm on Tuesday 4th July in the Sports Hall and the Main Hall. The event is open to Lymm High students in years 9 to 13 to attend with their parents / carers.

Whether your child is just beginning to think about career options, or actively looking at study options, jobs or apprenticeships; Perhaps they would like to get some insight into an industry or sector; Or you may wish to find out more about how to help your child choose and navigate their study and career pathways; Please come along and meet with colleges, employers, industry experts and listen to talks from experts and educators. To find out more about what will be happening at the event please click here. Also see below for a current list of colleges and organisations attending.

So that we can plan for the smooth running of the event, it is essential to reserve your place, by clicking here.

Colleges attending:

Reaseheath College

Priestley College

Warrington & Vale Royal College

LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts)

Lymm Sixth Form

Education & Semi Professional Football Academy


Universities attending

Manchester Metropolitan University

Liverpool John Moores University

Edge Hill University

Organisations attending:


All about STEM

Morson Projects

RAF Career Engagement

Visions Designs

Packaging Automation Limited



Astra Zeneca

Just Head Shots

Clancy Consulting


WS Transportation

cb3 design architects

10:10 Games





Royal Navy Submarines

Kids Planet Nurseries



Rider Levett Bucknall

Balfour Beatty

Honours Boards

Lymm High School has Honours Boards that display the names of all students who have, over the years, represented their county or country at sport. Recognition is also given to those students who are placed (top 3) in national competitions. We update the Boards every two years; therefore, any student from Years 8–13 who has achieved county honours in the period of time from September 2022 to the present day should be recognised on these boards.

If your son or daughter meets the criteria, please email the following details to Mr Kerwin, Head of PE (, by Friday 9th June.

  • Student name
  • Current Year group
  • Sport
  • County or Region e.g. Cheshire or North of England
  • Age Group represented (e.g. U15’s)
  • Year(s) (e.g. 2018–20)

Science trilogy classes

With our Year 11 students on study leave, we have greater availability of science staff and can split up the Year 10 science trilogy classes into the smaller groups they will be in for Year 11. Having more classes (10 instead of 8) inevitably means that classes and teachers may change after the half-term break. This does not necessarily mean that students are moving ‘up’ or ‘down’ sets, we have reshuffled the classes based on teacher input and student potential as well as looking at performance in the recent mock exams. Students will be informed of their new classes by their current teachers.


Uniform policy

Please can I remind you that trainers are not permitted in school and are not part of the uniform policy. Students will be asked to remove their trainers and replace them with a pair of shoes from school. Failure to cooperate will result in a sanction.

We would really appreciate your support on this matter,

Kind regards,
Miss Crowder and Mrs Lambert

Strike action – 27th April and 2nd May

The NEU is continuing its industrial action and has announced two more days of strikes: Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May.

School will be open to different year groups as follows:

  • Thursday 27th April: open for Years 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (i.e. Years 7 and 9 will be at home)
  • Tuesday 2nd May: open for Years 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (i.e. Years 8 and 9 will be at home)

Please click here to read the full letter.