Buses on last day of term – Thursday 21st July

As was the case in December, the bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for our early finish on the last day of term, 21st July. We are assuming the picture will be similar to the case in December and would like to avoid the need for all buses to come to school at 3.15pm only for most to return to the depot empty. The most straightforward thing to do will be to cancel the buses altogether and make alternative arrangements for the few who are likely to need them.

Therefore, if your child will not be able to make their way home any other way on Thursday 21st July, please let us know by Friday 8th July by emailing amogey@lymmhigh.org.uk and we will organise transport home for them separately, probably via a school minibus.

Photography Workshop

The deadline for Parent Pay payments for the Andrew Collier photography workshop has been extended to Friday 24th June. This is a fantastic opportunity for students currently in Year 10 studying photography or art at GCSE to work with an established photographer and to learn valuable skills in portraiture photography. This workshop is also open to any students in Year 9 that have chosen GCSE photography or GCSE Art next year. The workshop is in 2 parts costing £5 each with the first running after school on Tuesday 5th July.

Please see Miss Simms the Art Technician with any questions.

Science Trilogy Classes

With our Year 11 students on study leave, we have greater availability of science staff and can split up the Year 10 science trilogy classes into the smaller groups they will be in for Year 11. Having more classes (10 instead of 8) inevitably means that the class many students are currently in may change going into next week. This does not necessarily mean that students are moving ‘up’ or ‘down’ sets, we have reshuffled the classes based on teacher input and student potential as well as looking at performance in the recent mock exams. Students will be informed of their new classes by their current teachers.

Please email Dr Dodds (fdodds@lymmhigh.org.uk) if you have any queries.


Interhall event – Thursday 9th June

PE are hosting their ‘Games’ Interhall event on Thursday 9th June.

Students will be required to come to school in their PE kit.  Additional Lymm High School/PE uniform can be worn to keep warm when coming and leaving the school.

Students are advised to bring plenty of fluids for the day, sun cream if it is warm and also any medication if required.

They must also ensure they have their books for the day incase the event is cancelled.

If you require further information on this, please email Mr Mason smason@lymmhigh.org.uk