Letter from Mr Williams

As we reach the end of another school year, I’d like to start by thanking you all for your ongoing support. It’s been another varied and busy year, with all the usual challenges along the way, but dominated overall by wonderful students doing wonderful things. Thank you for bringing up such brilliant young people and for supporting the school in trying to do our best for them.

Please click here to read more.

Lymm Sixth Form Open Evening

Dear Parent / Carer of Year 10 Students,

We are delighted to announce the reservation form is now available for our Sixth Form Open Evening which will be held 5 – 8pm on Thursday 14th November 2024. We highly recommend you join us with your child, for what will be a fantastic opportunity to explore our wonderful Sixth Form, see our facilities, listen to a talk from the Head of Sixth Form, find out more about all the courses on offer and how to apply.

Please click on the link below to register your place. We would kindly ask that parents / carers complete the booking form.

Sixth Form Website: How to Apply – Lymm High School Sixth Form (lymmhigh6thform.org.uk)

Reservation Form direct link: Lymm Sixth Form Open Evening 5 – 8pm Thursday 14th November 2024 Reservation Booking Form (office.com)

If you have any questions or queries regarding Sixth Form in the meantime, please contact Mrs Hughes on lhughes@lymmhigh.org.uk

A quick reminder that we sent out a letter in June regarding Post 16 Options, which you may find useful to review again over the summer break. Please click: Year-10-Post-16-Options-Parent-Letter-June-2024.pdf (lymmhigh.org.uk)

We look forward to meeting you on our Open Evening.

Kind regards

Mrs Hughes

Sports Day

Sports Day is taking place on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July. Tuesday 16th July is for Year 7 and 8 students who are doing field events only (Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus and Javelin). Students competing on Tuesday 16th must come to school in their PE kit.

On Wednesday 17th July, Periods 1–3 students will only be coming out of lessons to compete in their event. From Period 4, all students will be out of lessons to participate in Sports Day.

Please ensure students come prepared for the day:

  • Wearing PE kit
  • Sun cream applied
  • Hat
  • Plenty of fluids