Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.
Category: Year 11
Hall Together
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are writing to inform you about an exciting new development for the Performing Arts facilities at Lymm High School. Please click here to read the full letter.
Year 11 update
We have been delighted with the determination and positive work ethic being demonstrated by our Year 11 students, particularly over the last couple of weeks. With the exam season just around the corner we want to ensure that we are utilising every opportunity to support and encourage our Year 11 students to achieve their potential. Therefore, we thought it would be useful to provide a couple of updates and advice to best support your child over Easter and beyond. Please click here to read the full letter.
Warrington & Vale Royal College Experience Evening
Warrington & Vale Royal College’s next College Experience Evening at Warrington campus will be on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 (4.45 -7pm). Registrations for this event are now open on a first-come first-served basis. To register for a ticket, please click here.
All students are asked to bring their tickets on their mobile devices to be checked as they walk into the college. Tickets will be sent on Friday 28th March.

Lymm High Parent Bulletin 07/03/25
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.

Lymm High Parent Bulletin 14/02/25
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.
Sixth Form Admissions
Over the past 2 weeks, we have been conducting interviews with Year 11 students who have submitted applications to join us in September. Not all interviews have been carried out yet and they will continue after the half-term break. To read the full update that was sent to students, please click here.
Year 11 Mock Exams
With only 43 school days remaining until the official GCSE exam season begins, please click here to read a letter from Mrs Feast about revision strategies, support available, and a suggested schedule to keep students on track with effective revision habits and routines.
Year 11 Prom – Thursday 26th June
Walton Hall (Riding School) has been chosen as the venue for Year 11’s Prom on Thursday 26th June. This event holds significant importance for our students, marking not only the celebration of their achievements, but also serving as a memorable culmination of their five-year High School journey. Please click here to read the full details.

Lymm High Parent Bulletin 31/01/25
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.