Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Feast about the GCSE exam schedule this week.
Category: Year 11
Year 11 last day – Friday 23rd June
Please click here to read a letter about the arrangements for Year 11’s last day.
LHS Parent Bulletin 12/05/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
GCSE exams and revision sessions
Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Feast about the upcoming GCSE exams and the support available to our Year 11 students over the next few weeks.
LHS Parent Bulletin 28/04/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Support during GCSE exam season
Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Feast about the exam timetable and the support available to our Year 11 students over the next few weeks.
NCS Parents Information Session
There will be an online Parents Information Session on Monday 15th May (6-6.45pm) for parents to gain all the information they need about the National Citizen Service (NCS).
This year, NCS has three different themes available for young people to choose from, including employability, life skills and community projects. To find out more about NCS, click here.
To join the Parents Information Session, click here and follow the link in the letter.
Apprenticeship opportunities
This week, Year 11 have had assemblies focusing on apprenticeship opportunities. Today, Arnold Clark told students about their current recruitment drive, and earlier in the week ex-Lymm High students from WSP outlined their apprenticeship journeys.
Our careers section of the school website is updated weekly with the current list of apprenticeships in the Warrington area.
Further opportunities in the local area can be viewed here and here.
Strike action – 27th April and 2nd May
The NEU is continuing its industrial action and has announced two more days of strikes: Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May.
School will be open to different year groups as follows:
- Thursday 27th April: open for Years 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (i.e. Years 7 and 9 will be at home)
- Tuesday 2nd May: open for Years 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (i.e. Years 8 and 9 will be at home)
Please click here to read the full letter.
National Citizen Service
This week a pre-recorded assembly was shown to Year 11 launching the NCS programme.
NCS is an opportunity that helps 15–17-year-olds to build skills for work and life, take on new challenges, meet new people and make a difference in their local community. Please click here to read the full letter.