Pupil Premium and Free School Meals

We know that money is extremely tight for lots of families at the moment and one avenue of support is to apply for ‘Free School Meals’. These are administered by the Local Authority to eligible parents and enable students to receive £2.40 per day for lunch in the school canteen. Please check the criteria to see if you might qualify – if you do, we would urge you to apply as soon as possible by following the instructions on this form.

To read one of the original letters sent home in the summer, which details Pupil Premium eligibility, click here.


The government yesterday released some official data on this year’s GCSE performance. There will be more information in our next newsletter, but we promised to let parents and carers know when this information was available and thought you’d appreciate a quick note before half-term.

The measure that is considered to be the most important these days when judging school performance is ‘Progress 8’ – i.e. a measure of the progress made by students across a wide range of subjects during their time at secondary school, taking into account their starting points in terms of how well they had done at the end of Year 6.

Lymm High School has a Progress 8 score for this summer of 0.54. For context, this is the best in Warrington and, moreover, places us in the top ten of all mixed comprehensive schools in the whole of the North West (around 400 secondary schools across 23 local authorities). This is obviously a fantastic performance, especially for a school that also places so much emphasis on extra-curricular activities and personal development.

Well done again to everyone concerned!

Sixth Form Open Evening

For parents and students in Year 11 who would like to find out more about coming to Lymm Sixth Form in September 2023, our Open Evening will be on Thursday 10th November 2022. This will be an opportunity for students and parents to tour the facilities, meet the Sixth Form staff, find out more about the subjects on offer and about life in general in the Sixth Form.

Please click here for more information.

PE Kit Policy

Dear Parent and Carer,

I am writing to inform you about a change to Lymm High’s PE kit policy. As you are aware, all students that need to be excused from a PE lesson need to have an explanatory letter from their parent/carer. They also need to still get changed into their PE kit to undertake other roles where possible (e.g. leader or official).

From Monday 26th September, if students do not have their PE kits with them, they will need to wear one of our spare, clean kits.

Students have been made aware of this new requirement. We would appreciate your support in reminding your child to always bring their PE kit in to their lessons.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Kerwin
Head of PE & Sport

Warrington Careers and Opportunities Fair – 12th October 2022

‘Your Future, Your Choice, Move On’ will feature over 50 employers, further and higher education opportunities, independent training providers, and voluntary organisations all with options to extend students aspirations and chances. Please click here for a list of exhibitors.

Attendance can be as an individual or with parents and guardians, and while not exclusive, the organisers are encouraging pupil premium and SEND students to attend in the first hour when extra support will be available.

“We are aiming to make the event as meaningful as possible for all the attendees and the varied range of employers, training and volunteering opportunities will give a broad breadth of possibilities to expand your students”, say the organisers.

The Eventbrite link for students to book can be found by clicking here.