Year 11 IAG – Thursday 8th September 2022

Dear parents/carers,

I hope that you have all enjoyed a safe and restful summer break. We are delighted to be welcoming back our students and are looking forward to supporting Year 11 this year.
We understand that Year 11 can feel somewhat daunting for both students and their parents/carers, particularly given that we have experienced quite a bit of turbulence in education over the last two years. However, we are certainly hopeful that this year we can get back to feeling ‘normal’ and really want a positive start by ensuring that both parents and students feel informed and prepared for the year to come.

With this in mind, we would like to invite all parents and carers to our Year 11 Information and Guidance evening which will be held on Thursday 8th September from 6-7pm in the Main Hall. We ask that students do not attend the evening as the information provided will be primarily aimed at parents and carers and the role that you can play in supporting your child through this year, as well as giving you an overview of what can be expected in Year 11.

As per Mr Williams’ update, please be advised that parking on the front car park is still not available. If possible, we would like to encourage any parents/carers to attend the evening on foot. However, we will have the Sixth Form car park, Languages yard and basketball yard available for parking, all of which can be accessed via the Sixth Form entrance. Please do exercise caution when parking to ensure that cars are not blocked in. Signage will be available to direct you to the Main Hall.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Feast Assistant Headteacher: Raising Standards and Achievement

Travel to school

When travelling to Lymm High, please drive carefully around school and watch out especially for children on bikes. Please remember there will be no access to the school car park for parents for at least the first two weeks of term at the beginning and end of the day. This is due to the completion of drainage works at the front of school. School buses will not be affected, but cars will not be allowed on site to drop off or pick children up before and after school. If you usually drive children to and/or from school, please arrange to drop them off and collect them as far from the school as possible.

We encourage children to walk or cycle to school where possible.

Regarding bus transport, there are diversions in place affecting the 40, 40B and 42A due to a road closure on Bradshaw Lane in Grappenhall. This is due to finish on 14th October. Buses are diverting via Knutsford Road, Stockport Road and Stanton Road.

If you need any information on the bus services or to find out how students can get their Touch and Go pass please visit this website:

Founders’ Day food bank collections

In celebrating our school’s history and community links, we will be asking all students to make a minimum donation of £10 for the sponsored Colour Run, which they can gather over the coming weeks by taking part in a variety of charitable tasks both in school and at home. During form time we will be asking tutors to discuss and share ideas about what students could do in order to help them in achieving this donation total.

Additionally, we will be supporting both the Trussell Trust and a local Ukraine Appeal by doing a food bank collection. Our students and families have always been incredibly supportive in previous food bank appeals, so we are looking forward to receiving jars and tins in the run up to Founders’ Day. Items being collected, include:

  • Cereal
  • Soup
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
  • Lentils, beans and pulses
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Tea/coffee
  • Tinned fruit
  • Biscuits
  • UHT milk
  • Fruit juice

Thank you for your support.

Year 11 Last Day – Thursday 23rd June 2022

Year 11 MUST come in full school uniform tomorrow or they will not be allowed to attend the Year 11 leavers’ assembly.  Please also remind students that we still expect exemplary behaviour.  Students will be expected to leave site no later 1pm.  If students normally get the school bus they will to be picked up or they need to make their own way home.  Shirts are to only be signed AFTER the assembly.

Many thanks for your support

Mrs Wagstaff