Covid-19 latest guidance

Dear parents and carers

I hope you are well and have been enjoying the Easter holiday. Apologies for interrupting the break, but I am writing with a quick update on the latest guidance relating to Covid-19 and what actions to take if staff or students are unwell.

You may be aware that, as of April 1st, the government published its Living with Covid strategy. This means that there is no longer a requirement for students or staff to test regularly and that the universal/free testing has now finished.

The following guidance is now in place if students or staff are unwell with Covid-19 symptoms:

  • Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they feel well enough to attend.
  • Adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature.
  • In the event that a Covid-19 test is taken, adults with a positive test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice is 3 days.
  • There is no longer a requirement for students or staff to return a negative test before returning to school once they have remained at home for the recommended period of time.

Remote learning via our ‘window into lessons’ will remain available for confirmed Covid cases for the time being, so please make sure you let us know if this is the case for your child.

As ever, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of the day and I look forward to welcoming everyone back tomorrow.

Kind regards

Gwyn Williams

Revision Sessions – reminders

Dear parent/carer

Just a few more things to make you aware of in readiness for revision sessions over the Easter break:

  • Drop in sessions are open to anyone and students can stay for as short or long a time as they wish.
  • Students are not required to wear school uniform.
  • Access to the building will be through main reception only – please ensure you sign in and out.
  • The canteen will not be open so students should bring a snack if they would like one, please do not bring anything messy. Water and orange squash will be available.
  • Fashion & Textiles sessions have been added to the original list.
  • We have also opened up some additional invites to the Science and Maths sessions; relevant students are aware and have received invites.

In addition to the above, online sessions will be available for the following subjects:

  • Computing
  • Geography
  • History

These online sessions will have links posted on Show My Homework for students to access at the specified times (click here to see the timetable).

Tassomai are running their own online sessions over the Easter break for Science, English and Maths featuring areas that students struggle with most. You can access them for free here, but will need to sign up in advance.

Easter Revision Sessions

Monday 4th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and History drop-in with Mr Williams
Psychology and Health & Social drop-in from 10.30am with Mrs Jennings

  • Dance (in-person open to all) 10am –12pm
  • PE (invitation only)
  • Computer science (online) 9am – 12pm. Students will need access to Python, they are welcome to use the Library in school.

Tuesday 5th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and Psychology drop-in with Mrs Wagstaff

  • English (in-person open to all) 9.30am – 12pm for the majority of students. A different session may be added depending on numbers.
  • DT (in-person open to all) 9am – 2pm

Wednesday 6th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and Maths drop-in, Mr Johnson
Fashion drop-in from 9am – 1pm with Mrs Morris (open to all)

  • Science (invitation only) 9am – 1pm
  • Maths (invitation only) 9am – 1pm

Thursday 7th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and RS drop-in, Ms Taylor
Fashion drop-in from 9am – 1pm with Mrs Morris (open to all)

  • Media (invitation only) 9am – 11am
  • Geography (online) 10am – 11.30am
  • History (online) 12.30pm – 2pm

Friday 8th April
School closed

  • French Speaking online Mrs Baldwin’s class (Times to be given by class teacher)

Monday 11th April
School closed

  • French Speaking online Miss Grice’s class (Times to be given by class teacher)

Thursday 14th April
Library available 9am – 1pm and English drop-in, Mrs Feast 9am – 11am

  • Drama (open to all) 9am – 2pm
  • History (invitation only) 9am – 11am



Summer exams

As you are aware, due to the challenges faced by students over the last two years, the Government has put in place arrangements to support students beyond what would be in place for a usual exam year.

This letter highlights those main changes and indicates where students can find the relevant information.

The Summer exam timetable can be found here. Please note that GCE = A’ Level.

Volunteer Police Cadets

Any students that are interested in joining the police cadets are invited to join the volunteer cadet programme. This is open to any Cheshire resident aged 15–17 years that can commit to attending two monthly sessions. It starts on Tuesday 3rd May and will be based at Priestley College two evenings a month from 6–9pm.

Full details of the programme and an application form is available on this website.

The Police Cadet and Volunteer Coordinator is holding an online information event about the police cadet programme on Monday 21st March at 6pm via Microsoft teams. Anyone that is interested needs to request a ticket via Eventbrite here. Anyone requiring further information before applying, can email