SENDCo provision

Dear Parents/carers,

I would like to inform you that from Sept. 21 there will be a new SENDCo at Lymm high School: Miss Yates: and she will be joining me for some annual reviews and transition meetings as I begin to hand-over the role in the Spring/Summer term. Miss Yates is currently Head of History and knows the school and pupils well.

I would like to thank you all for your kindness and support over the last 8 years and I wish your son/daughter the very best in their progress at Lymm High School and I look forward to hearing about their achievements and successes.

I have accepted an Assistant Head Teacher/SENDCo role in a school in Greater Manchester. I now look forward to being a fellow parent at Lymm High School.

Kindest regards
Mrs Angy Bellers


Sixth Form Induction Programme – Save the dates!

To support students moving to our Sixth Form in September, we would like to invite those students who have applied to join us, to our induction programme. This will comprise of both lessons in school and also a drop-in session online.

Please save the following dates for our in-school sessions, Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th June, and Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th July. Students will also have an online drop-in session on Monday 28th June.

Please use this form to indicate whether your son/daughter is planning to attend.

Further details will follow this week, but for now, please save the dates! If your son/daughter has not yet applied to join us and they wish to, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks,
Mrs Jennings.