Safer Schools and Young People (SSYP) is continuing to provide support to students and their parents/carers. This newsletter includes information from Cheshire Police, Parent Info, CEOP and HBC.
Safer Schools and Young People (SSYP) is continuing to provide support to students and their parents/carers. This newsletter includes information from Cheshire Police, Parent Info, CEOP and HBC.
With the coronavirus lockdown, parents and carers are having to help their children learn remotely. Young people will also be turning to their parents, carers or guardians for career support.
This is a challenging time for parents, especially for those with children in their final year of school. The attached Careermag for Parents may be able to help.
It includes labour market information and qualification routes so teenagers can seek guidance from their parents to make well informed decisions on their futures. Parents have always been big influences on young people’s decisions. Given the current pandemic, they will play even more of a role on their teenagers’ options.
We are in regular contact with the Tour operator and are hopeful that the trip next year will continue to go ahead as planned.
The next instalment is currently due. However, given the current situation, we have decided to offer families the flexibility to delay this payment until September. Hopefully, by this time we will have a better understanding of what is happening.
We will keep you updated as and when we get any further information.
We understand that this is a difficult time for all of us so if you have any concerns or questions regarding the trip please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
Mr Pickles
Please read this letter if your child is eligible for free school meals.
Please read Mr Williams’ letter, which provides an update on exam grading and information relating to staying safe online.
Please click here for all information relating to school closure.
Please read this letter if your child is eligible for free school meals.
Dear parents and carers
Thank you to those of you who have replied to the survey letting us know that you will need childcare next week. This means we now have a reasonable idea of numbers and can plan accordingly.
You will appreciate that these plans are very much subject to change, but a few points just for the moment for those of you intending to send children in:
I hope this provides sufficient information for the time being, but please contact Mrs Headon with any urgent enquires.
Kind regards
Gwyn Williams
Click here for a presentation given to all students in school today.
Please click here to read a letter from Mrs Feast, Head of Year.