Eco-friendly bird feeder project

As part of our Founders’ Day theme of ‘Community’, our Year 7 and 8 students will be making eco-friendly bird feeders out of recycled materials. We would be very grateful if you could save the items listed below. Students can drop any items into N205 over the next few weeks. All items will need to clean and thoroughly washed where appropriate. Thank you for your support.
• Inner cardboard tube from toilet roll / kitchen roll
• Empty plastic butter or margarine tub
• Empty egg boxes (6 or 12)
• Empty Juice carton
• Bottle lids / tops
• Empty pie tray
• Empty cereal box

Chromebook scheme

Lymm High now has more than 500 students signed up to its Chromebook scheme. The programme offers you the chance to buy a Chromebook on a school scheme for your child to use at home. Although we don’t routinely use devices in lessons, it is increasingly important for students to have access to an up-to-date device at home for completion of schoolwork. If your child doesn’t have access to a suitable device whenever they need to use it, we do encourage you to sign up. For full information, please click here.

Hot weather wear – week commencing 12th June 2023

Taking everything into account, especially those sitting public exams, we have decided to allow students to wear PE kit for the coming week. They can, of course, continue to wear normal uniform but if they choose to wear PE kit, it must remain the standard Lymm High School PE kit. Students will receive standard sanctions for uniform infringements if they come into school wearing other items of clothing.

Sixth form students (who don’t have PE kit) will be permitted to wear cooler clothes for the week as well, provided they are sensible about it. Please see Mrs Jennings’ separate email for more details on this.

Unless the forecast changes dramatically by the end of the week, we will return to normal uniform from the following Monday (i.e. 19th June) with students being allowed to remove blazers and ties as directed by staff if it is getting especially warm in classrooms.

We ask for your understanding that this is never an easy issue to deal with and everybody tends to have a different opinion as to the best approach. Our aim is always to keep things as straightforward as we can, and in particular, to avoid a constant debate as to what uniform should be the following day when the weather is warm. As a general rule, we will only move to PE kit when the weather is likely to be extremely hot for more than a day or two, as opposed to more typically warm summer weather or the odd hotter day here or there. In this case, according to the current forecast, the weather looks due to be hottest at the start of the week but we are aiming to keep things simple for everyone by making the decision now to allow PE kit for the whole week.

Many thanks in anticipation of your support and understanding.

Kind regards

Gwyn Williams

School survey

We would be most grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to complete a quick survey about the school. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand what you feel the school does well and the ways in which you feel we could do better. The link to the survey is here: School Surveys

On a similar note, a reminder that it is the Parent Forum next week, Tuesday 13th June, where you are invited to come into school to meet with senior leaders and governors to discuss your perceptions of Lymm High School alongside other parents and carers. It will be a very friendly and informal event and previous Parent Forums have always been interesting and enjoyable. If you are thinking of coming along, please let Mrs Headon know ( so that we can ensure we have sufficient refreshments available.

Kind regards
Gwyn Williams