Warm weather wear

We have been monitoring things very closely today and have now made the decision to allow students to wear PE kit to school tomorrow and Friday if they so choose. Whilst it has been hot, but not unbearable today, the buildings are starting to get quite warm now and the weather forecast for Friday now appears to be even hotter weather than originally predicted. Therefore, on balance, this seems to be a sensible approach.

Please note that students must wear either their full and proper Lymm High School PE kit or normal uniform (i.e. no ‘mix and match’). Please also note that we will return to full uniform from Monday.

Students in the Sixth Form (who don’t have PE kit) can wear their own clothes provided these are sensible and appropriate for a school environment; for example, shorts of a sensible length and a t-shirt, or a summer dress. Football shirts, cropped / bra tops would not be appropriate. Likewise, sensible footwear needs to be worn (no flip flops or sliders).

As always with anything relating to uniform, we appreciate there will be different views. However, we are grateful for people’s understanding that we have to make a decision one way or another and for your support in whatever we do decide.

Parent and student access to Satchel One platform for homework

At Lymm High School, we use the ‘Satchel One’ platform for the setting of Homework. Students can also use the app to keep track of their timetable and essential notices when working at home. As students do not carry diaries or planners to record tasks and deadlines, it is essential that all students are able to access the Satchel One platform, via mobile app, tablet or online web browser.

Not only do students have access to the platform so they can better manage their tasks and deadlines independently, parents also have access to each account in order to provide further support. Teachers will upload task instructions for each task, and may also include resources and supporting materials that can be downloaded.

Please note that we do not subscribe to the behaviour, detention or attendance modules, so this will not be accessible on either parent or student accounts.

How can I get access?

Year 7 students have been issued with a paper letter (example below), which details their student PIN, and the parent code that can be used to create up to 5 accounts. All set up details are included on this letter to support first log-in and set-up. 

A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated

PE kit and extra-curricular sessions

No PE kit is required for lessons on Wednesday or Thursday this week. PE lessons will begin Period 1 on Friday. Students will be able to check Satchel One for what kit to bring. Any questions, please contact Mr Kerwin on jkerwin@lymmhigh.org.uk.

The extra-curricular timetable will start from Monday 11th September. The following sessions are additional due to fixtures beginning immediately:

  • Boys Rugby, Year 7 – Thursday 7th September, 3.15pm
  • Boys Football, Year 7 – Friday 8th September and Monday 11th September, 3.15pm

Any questions, please contact Mr Kerwin jkerwin@lymmhigh.org.uk

Netball after-school training dates: September to March 2024

Please click for the training dates: Netball training 202324.docx

Save the dates:

  • Saturday 7th October 
    Year 10 and 11 Cheshire tournament, 8.00am – 1.00pm
  • Saturday 18th November
    Year 10, Year 11, Sixth Form National Cheshire qualifying tournament, 8.00am – 1.00pm
  • Saturday 2nd March
    Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 Cheshire tournament, 8.00am – 1.00pm

(Please note that for these tournaments, squads will be selected 2 weeks in advance.)


Please find below a reminder about the start dates for students returning to Lymm High School.

 Wednesday 6th September: Years 7 and 12 only

Year 7 students should line up in their form groups on the English Yard at 8.20am. Form tutors will then collect the students and take them to their form rooms.

 Thursday 7th September: Years 8–11 and Year 13

Year 8–11 students should make their way directly to their form rooms.


For students travelling to school using Warrington’s Own Buses network, the website has been updated with the latest information here.

In addition, you may have seen in the media the news about some schools being closed due to RAAC concerns. Please be assured that Lymm High is not affected by this issue.


Recycled uniform

If you have any clean school uniform in good condition that you would like to donate back to school, this can be dropped off at the school shop up till Friday 28th July.

In addition, we are also collecting used school shoes for the Trussell Trust. These can also be dropped off at the school shop.

Thank you.

Last day of term – Friday 21st July 2023

This school year finishes at 12.15pm on Friday 21st July. The bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for this early finish.

If your child will not be able to make their way home any other way on Friday 21st July, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing amogey@lymmhigh.org.uk and we will organise transport home for them separately, probably via a school minibus.