Please click here to read a letter about breakfast provision for students eligible for Free School Meals.
Category: Year 8
Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal
Please read below for the fundraising efforts Lymm High is organising over the next two days for the Turkey/Syria earthquake appeal.
Tomorrow, we are having a cake sale and a raffle so students may wish to bring in some cash. If you would like to donate any cakes for the sale, students can bring these to S107 before form time. Raffle tickets can be purchased from the school shop (in-person and over the phone) and there are some great prizes, including:
- Refurbished Lenovo L490 Laptop
- Family portrait session with Andrew Collier
- Afternoon Tea for two at Statham Lodge
- Meal for two at Ego’s Lymm
- Sunday roast platter for two at The Jolly thresher
- Voucher from Karl Welsh Flowers
On Friday, we will be having a non-uniform day. If students wish to dress down they need to give a pound donation to their form tutors. Please note that students still need to bring their PE kit in for PE lessons.
We are also having our regular end-of-term Doughnut Day event where students can buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts for £1 at breaktime in the main hall. The money raised will be split between the PTA and the earthquake appeal.
Thank you for your support.

LHS Parent Bulletin 10/02/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Strike action – Tuesday 28th February
As a result of industrial action by the NEU, school will be closed to Years 8, 9 and 10 on Tuesday 28th February. Please click here for a letter from Mr Williams about this.
E-Safety Information Evening – Thursday 9th February
Our E-Safety Information Evening for parents and carers is on this Thursday (9th February) at 6pm. The details to join this online event are below:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

LHS Parent Bulletin 27/01/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
‘How to Support your Child with Reading’ evening – Monday 30th January, 5.30–6.30pm
Due to the range of media and technology available to students in the 21st Century, it is becoming harder to engage young people in reading. It is a fact, however, that reading proves the master skill of school, and developing a life-long reading habit can dramatically improve student outcomes.
On Monday 30th January, we will be running a short ‘How to Support your Child with Reading’ evening which aims to offer help and guidance for parents, and offer a better understanding of the interventions we have running in school. While this evening is intended predominantly for those parents of students taking part in reading interventions (for whom, invitations should already have been received), we would like to extend this invite to any parents who would like to know more about supporting their child’s reading skills.
If you would like to join us, please confirm your attendance here.
Ofsted Report
As you may be aware, Ofsted visited us in December 2022 for an ungraded inspection. Ordinarily, a school wouldn’t expect another visit for 4-5 years. However, the inspection team found enough evidence that the quality of education provided by Lymm High School is now outstanding. This means that they have recommended a further, graded, inspection to take place within a year or two. This was the best possible outcome available to us and we are delighted that the progress of the last few years has been recognised in this way.
Please click here to read more.
Wednesday 1st February 2023
As you may be aware, Wednesday 1st February is already scheduled as an INSET day at Lymm High School so the proposed national teachers’ strike won’t affect any students on this day.
We’ll be in touch nearer the time about the later proposed strike dates if we do anticipate any significant disruption.
It is a rather dynamic situation at the moment with, amongst other factors, different teaching unions potentially re-balloting members and we ask for your understanding that things might change before the second planned day of strikes (Tuesday 28th February).

LHS Parent Bulletin 13/01/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.