KS3 June Exams

Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be sitting their summer exams in English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages between 10th and 21st June.

An exam timetable for each year group can be accessed here. To find your child’s specific exam dates on these, you need their subject class codes which can be found on their own timetable.
These exams will assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the content they have covered this academic year. Details of the specific content/topics can be found in our comprehensive revision guide, which can be found here.

Please click here to read the full letter.

HPV vaccinations

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations are being offered to Year 8 students as part of the national school-aged vaccination programme. This programme can help to protect young people against some types of HPV-related cancers. To consent for your child to have the HPV vaccine on Thursday 18th or Thursday 25th April, please follow the steps outlined in this letter.

Please note that the consent process closes at 11am, 2 working days prior to the session in school.