Arrangements for PE lessons during Year 11 mock exams

Due to Covid-19, boys have been utilising the Sports Hall as a changing room. However, this will not be available from Friday 4th December until the end of term because of the Year 11 mock exams. Therefore, boys are expected to come into school in their PE kit for the days when they have their lessons. PE kit MUST be in line with School PE kit regulations.

As we are unable to use the changing rooms, students are expected to leave their bags in the school gym. This will be part of the PE routine and will be communicated to students.

It is advisable that students bring a spare pair of shoes and socks to school. It is likely, even if it is not raining, that the astro-turf may be wet, and a spare pair of footwear means they are not in wet footwear for the remainder of the day. Unfortunately, if the weather is extremely wet, lessons may have to be adapted with groups going in classrooms for part of the lesson.

Please note that Year 11s will continue with PE lessons during the mock exam period.

Consultation on relationship & sex education policy

As you may be aware, the Government have made changes to the legislation regarding Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) and these changes are due to come into effect shortly. As part of these updates, we have made some minor changes to our RSE Policy.

There are no substantial changes needed to our policy because it was already in line with the expectations set out in the new legislation but, as parents of students attending Lymm High School, we are offering a consultation on the proposed draft policy before it is submitted to Governors for ratification. Please click here to read the new policy.

Should you wish to make any comments, please email by 3pm on Friday 13th November 2020.