Please click here to read a letter from Councillor Matt Smith and Paula Worthington.
Category: Year 8
Progress Reports 2020-2021
We are going to be trialling sending out progress reports this year electronically via the School Gateway app and via email. Year 11 and 13 progress reports are due out after October half-term, and Year 7, 8 & 9 are due out mid-November. Year 10 are due early December, and Year 12 due mid-December. We hope this will more reliably ensure parents receive their child’s progress reports, and also ensure parents who have parental responsibility but do not live with their child are kept up-to-date with their progress in school. In order to receive your child’s progress report, please make sure you have downloaded the School Gateway app from the app store (it’s free) – if you need login details for the app because you haven’t used it before or have been locked out, please contact Please also ensure that we have the correct mobile number and email address for you – to let us know of any changes, please contact If you have any other questions, please get in touch with your child’s Head of Year.

LHS Parent Bulletin 09/10/20
Click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, containing the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks, as well as key upcoming dates.
Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
Please click here to read a letter about Free School Meals and Pupil Premium eligibility.
Buses and confirmed Covid cases
Please read this letter if your child travels to and/or from school on buses.
Chromebook Programme – 3rd ordering window
If your child does not have an up-to-date laptop/desktop PC of their own, for use at home, please click here for information about our Chromebook programme. The deadline for all orders is 11th October 2020.
Update for parents, 23rd September 2020
Please click here to read an update from Mr Williams.
Confirmed Covid cases, 22nd September 2020
Please click here to read a letter from Mr Williams about confirmed Covid cases.

LHS Parent Bulletin 18.09.20
Click here to read the latest LHS Parent Bulletin, containing the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks, as well as key upcoming dates.
PTA AGM, 5th October 2020
The Lymm High School PTA Committee would like to invite any parents who wish to join the PTA to attend the next meeting to be held on Monday 5th October at 7pm. Owing to Covid-19, this will be a Zoom meeting.
The PTA welcomes new members who may have new and refreshing fundraising ideas. It can be a daunting experience for some, but rest assured, they are a very friendly bunch! If you are able to attend, please email so the Zoom details can be shared with you.
We look forward to seeing some new faces (on screen) at this meeting.