
Please find below a reminder about the start dates for students returning to Lymm High School.

 Wednesday 6th September: Years 7 and 12 only

Year 7 students should line up in their form groups on the English Yard at 8.20am. Form tutors will then collect the students and take them to their form rooms.

 Thursday 7th September: Years 8–11 and Year 13

Year 8–11 students should make their way directly to their form rooms.


For students travelling to school using Warrington’s Own Buses network, the website has been updated with the latest information here.

In addition, you may have seen in the media the news about some schools being closed due to RAAC concerns. Please be assured that Lymm High is not affected by this issue.


Recycled uniform

If you have any clean school uniform in good condition that you would like to donate back to school, this can be dropped off at the school shop up till Friday 28th July.

In addition, we are also collecting used school shoes for the Trussell Trust. These can also be dropped off at the school shop.

Thank you.

Last day of term – Friday 21st July 2023

This school year finishes at 12.15pm on Friday 21st July. The bus company have told us that they will not be able to send buses earlier to collect students for this early finish.

If your child will not be able to make their way home any other way on Friday 21st July, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing and we will organise transport home for them separately, probably via a school minibus.

Sports Day Phase 1

If your Year 8 son/daughter is involved in the following events:

  • Discus
  • Shot Put
  • Javelin
  • Long Jump
  • Triple Jump

They will be required to come to school on Thursday 13th July in their PE kit. This is because they will be completing their event during Period 4.

They must still bring their books in for the rest of the day.

Thank you.


Lymm High School Science Fair – Wednesday 12th July

The Lymm High School Science Fair is taking place on Wednesday 12th July. Parents/families are invited to attend at Lymm High School from 3.15pm – 4.00pm. Please arrive at main Reception to sign in and you will be guided up to E307 and E308.

All students in Year 7 and 8 were tasked with producing a project, and the best projects from each class will be on display at the Science Fair. Your child will let you know if their project was chosen from their class. Your child may not find out if their project has been chosen until Tuesday 11th July. If your child’s project has been chosen, we would really encourage you to come and have a look at their and their peers’ amazing work. There will be a judging panel at the fair and the three best projects overall will be announced, and prizes handed out.

We hope to see you there.

Eco-friendly bird feeder project

As part of our Founders’ Day theme of ‘Community’, our Year 7 and 8 students will be making eco-friendly bird feeders out of recycled materials. We would be very grateful if you could save the items listed below. Students can drop any items into N205 over the next few weeks. All items will need to clean and thoroughly washed where appropriate. Thank you for your support.
• Inner cardboard tube from toilet roll / kitchen roll
• Empty plastic butter or margarine tub
• Empty egg boxes (6 or 12)
• Empty Juice carton
• Bottle lids / tops
• Empty pie tray
• Empty cereal box