Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Category: Year 8
Ski trip – February 2025
We are running a ski trip to Piancavallo, Italy, for current Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students (who will be Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 when the trip takes place) from 16–23 February 2025.
Please click here to read the letter.
Early finish – Thursday 21st December
A reminder that we break up for the Christmas holidays next Thursday at 12.15pm. As is usual on an early finish, buses will not be running. Thursday 4th January is an INSET Day. Students return to school on Friday 5th January.
KS3 exams – January 2024
Please click here to read about the KS3 January exams in English, Maths and Science. This letter includes links to the KS3 Revision Guide, the exam timetable, and a blank revision timetable template for students to use.

LHS Parent Bulletin 01/12/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Lymm Dickensian Christmas photo competition
In collaboration with the Lymm Dickensian Christmas Festival, we invite students of all year groups to enter the Lymm Dickensian Christmas photo competition. The theme of this year’s competition is ‘Christmas Spirit in Lymm’ and photographs should be taken during the festival on Saturday 9th December 2023.
This is a fantastic opportunity for students with an interest in photography with some great prizes up for grabs. One winner will be chosen from Years 7-11 and one from Years 10-13.
To enter, students must collect an entry pack from Miss Simms (Technician) before the festival on 9th December 2023. The deadline for submissions is 15th December 2023.

LHS Parent Bulletin 17/11/23
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents from the past two weeks.
Class Charts Parent Guide
Please click here to read the Parent and Carer Guide to Class Charts.
Class Charts – launching Monday 13th November
We are pleased to announce that we will shortly be replacing the Gateway app with a new system for communicating with parents. The new app is called Class Charts and we will be launching this to parents on Monday 13th November with an email containing further details as well as a unique log-in code for you. Please look out for this email from Monday afternoon and, as soon as you can, download the Class Charts app and log in. We will have a short time period (unlikely to be more than a week or two) where we run Class Charts alongside the Gateway app, but once this transition period is over, you will not receive any more messages from school if you haven’t downloaded and logged into the Class Charts app.
Students will also have access to the Class Charts app and we will be giving them the time and log-in details in school next week to get them all up and running.
We will be using Class Charts for:
- All messages from school (i.e., those that currently come via the Gateway app or email)
- The reporting of student absences
- Setting and monitoring of homework (i.e., Class Charts will replace Satchel One)
- Communicating and recording of achievement/Hall points and rewards
- Communicating and recording behaviour points and details of any detentions
We have been trialling Class Charts in school this term and, along with a lot of work exploring how other schools have been using Class Charts, are confident the new app will provide a much better experience for families. In particular, it ought to be a much better system for issuing and recording Hall points (something that student and parent voice has indicated is something we need to improve). It will also reduce the number of different platforms needed for communication between school and home.
All the evidence we have so far is that parents and students find the Class Charts app very intuitive and easy to use, and so we anticipate a fairly smooth transition. However, there are bound to be a few teething problems here and there so we thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
Just to clarify, you will not be able to log in to the Class Charts app until you have your unique access code, which will be sent out by email from Monday afternoon. This email will also contain further information about how to use the app.
Flu vaccination
We will be offering flu vaccinations to all students in Years 7-10 on Tuesday 28th November. Consent will be needed if you would like your child to have this vaccination.
Please click here to read the letter from the School-aged Immunisation Team.