KS3 work for Thursday 9th January

Please spend today revising for your upcoming KS3 exams (20th – 24th January). The timetable is here so you can see when your exams are.

  1. Watch the recorded assembly from Ms Dixon about the KS3 exams (attached here).
  2. Click here for a blank revision timetable which is explained in the assembly – now use this to create your own – you can either print or type directly into it.
  3. This is the link to the KS3 revision guide for your January exams: KS3 Revision Guide_January 2025
    Please use this today to complete revision activities suggested in the ‘how to revise’ video from Ms Crowder, and on the subject pages that have been set by your English, Maths and Science teachers. Please try to stick to the normal lesson times and take a break for lunch. Rotate between English, Maths and Science, doing no more than 30 mins of a subject at a time.
  4. Also check Class Charts for any additional revision activities for your exams that your own subject teacher may have set you.

Year 9 Choices

At this stage of Year 9, it is time to consider students’ choices for KS4 and ultimately those subjects they will achieve their first external qualifications in. We know these are big decisions and would like to reassure students and parents that there will be a great deal of support on offer during the Year 9 Choices process, which is about to start.

Please click here for the full information.

Lymm Learner programme

We are excited to announce an inspiring new initiative at Lymm High School: The Lymm Learner. This programme is designed to recognise and cultivate qualities that we believe are essential for students to thrive academically and personally. As part of this, our positive points system will be shifting to better reflect the qualities of a ‘Lymm Learner.’

A ‘Lymm Learner’ is a student who:

  • Takes responsibility for their own learning.
  • Is motivated by their progress and strives to improve.
  • Asks thoughtful questions and confidently challenges assumptions.
  • Thinks critically to enhance their understanding.
  • Embraces setbacks as learning opportunities and shows resilience.

Each week, students will earn Lymm Learner Hall points for demonstrating these attributes in their classes. The top three students in each year group who accumulate the most Lymm Learner Hall points will receive a special certificate, which will be sent home in recognition of their dedication and success.