Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.
Category: Year 9
Unifrog – Lymm High School’s Careers Platform
Please click to read a letter about Unifrog, which is our school careers platform for Year 7 to Year 13 students and their parents.
Lymm High Parent Bulletin 13/09/24
Please click here to read the latest Lymm High School Parent Bulletin, which contains the most important notices for parents and carers from the past 2 weeks.
Sexual Health Awareness week
We cover our Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE); Relationships and Sexual Health (RSHE); and elements of careers through a curriculum delivered during Form times and extended Form sessions across the year. This is referred to in school as ‘Life Programme’. These lessons take place approximately every fortnight. To read about this week’s plans for Sexual Health Awareness week, please click here.
Warrington Careers Fair
This year’s Warrington Pledge Careers Fair is taking place on Wednesday 13th November at Warrington Youth Zone from 3.30–7pm for parents, carers and students. There will be over 50 exhibitors present (including employers, Further Education, Higher Education and voluntary groups) providing inspiration for future careers, employment, training and volunteering opportunities to support skills and a future CV.
To book a place, please click here.
Extra-curricular sport
Please click here to see the full list of sports clubs, which run at lunchtime and after school. All students are welcome to attend these clubs and we hope to see many students taking the opportunities to get involved in sport.
Please ensure the consent form below is completed before your child attends their first session.
Trips, Visits & Sports Fixtures 2024-2025 consent form
Paper copies are available from the PE office if required.
Please note that parents/carers are responsible for making arrangements for children to be collected from school.
Cross-Country Races
Each year, Warrington Athletics Club organises cross-country races for local schools. The dates of this year’s races are:
- Saturday 28th September
- Saturday 14th December
This extra-curricular sport opportunity is open to years 7–11. For further information, please click here.
Year 9 Welcome Letter
Please click here to read a letter from Miss Beck, Head of Year 9, which includes important dates for the year ahead, including an Information Evening on Wednesday 25th September.
Netball training
Please click here to see the netball training timetable for 2024-25.
Letter from Mr Williams
As we reach the end of another school year, I’d like to start by thanking you all for your ongoing support. It’s been another varied and busy year, with all the usual challenges along the way, but dominated overall by wonderful students doing wonderful things. Thank you for bringing up such brilliant young people and for supporting the school in trying to do our best for them.
Please click here to read more.